
National Dex Ubers top 500

Name Elo GXE Glicko-1 COIL
1ArceusmaliciousJR1973 93.2% 1993 ± 26 3724.2
208-11b1904 90.8% 1931 ± 27 3620.1
3melee black marth1860 92.4% 1976 ± 51 3521.5
4Gen5UbersShit1826 86.3% 1848 ± 35 3332.5
509-10a1813 91.9% 1959 ± 45 3670.6
6Deep-Sea Trench1806 87.9% 1874 ± 25 3510.2
7default01801 89.7% 1909 ± 39 3429.4
8ArcFairy1786 93.7% 2008 ± 25 3728.9
9Eledyr1785 86.2% 1846 ± 33 3424.3
10Bl4ckFyre1768 87.4% 1865 ± 30 3402.9
11ReactJS31762 90.3% 1923 ± 40 3597.7
1212345678koi1752 88.5% 1885 ± 32 3518.8
1312345678koishi1750 88.2% 1880 ± 34 3519.1
14Irfanayan1749 85.2% 1830 ± 25 3405.5
15betimelt1744 89.1% 1897 ± 38 3512.4
16N3rfN1nja1744 88.3% 1884 ± 45 3519.7
17C0ld as Ic31736 92.2% 1970 ± 51 3677.8
18114514ww1726 90.2% 1922 ± 47 3597.4
19YourRoyalSlave1724 82.6% 1794 ± 41 3232.8
20Citesight1723 79.2% 1753 ± 39 3023.4
21Kanine Compton1719 85.7% 1839 ± 42 3317.6
22nfyhsueryfgius1718 88.6% 1886 ± 27 3539.0
23Sneedson1716 87.3% 1866 ± 47 3375.9
24FunnyValentine81715 84.8% 1825 ± 28 3360.1
25Suuuuper Craig1714 86.0% 1845 ± 50 3428.6
26breezai1714 83.5% 1806 ± 31 3330.2
27ZyggyStardust1231711 78.4% 1743 ± 26 3023.7
28sleepyAtreyos1710 81.7% 1782 ± 35 3206.0
29Fartconsumer1708 90.4% 1927 ± 56 3604.7
30tekken_is_life1706 85.9% 1840 ± 27 3413.2
31the fallen pharaoh1705 82.5% 1793 ± 25 3297.6
32fonged1702 81.7% 1783 ± 41 3167.4
33ygo is testing1698 85.7% 1839 ± 48 3400.8
34SystemSeven1693 87.4% 1866 ± 36 3482.9
35atr cls1688 85.4% 1833 ± 31 3333.4
36Autismo Its Me1687 86.9% 1859 ± 52 3322.4
37Retro wiz1686 83.8% 1810 ± 25 3315.5
38vagmakridis1682 79.9% 1761 ± 26 3163.7
39sleepyHiphos1671 82.7% 1795 ± 38 3248.5
40ban tera 30-01669 89.2% 1897 ± 28 3539.8
41baolong88481665 87.9% 1874 ± 38 3473.3
42Dory_p1665 84.4% 1818 ± 32 3317.5
43SamSat1663 80.0% 1761 ± 30 3183.9
44iamtheno511663 83.9% 1815 ± 56 3141.6
45WATCA1662 84.1% 1817 ± 53 3338.5
46zy7581660 88.1% 1882 ± 58 3489.4
47Leeoseek1659 77.6% 1735 ± 38 2990.9
48Gen7UbersDLC1657 84.2% 1818 ± 46 3207.2
49PeralRelmGaming1654 84.0% 1813 ± 40 3201.4
50Neferp1tou1653 86.5% 1851 ± 25 3452.1
51Imfuckingdonew/bs1652 87.1% 1863 ± 56 3437.0
52Metro Goobin1652 85.2% 1832 ± 47 3226.5
53WispyBanjo307031651 82.8% 1796 ± 27 3302.3
54ww7641649 80.0% 1762 ± 38 3167.9
55ugugjvjvb1647 85.5% 1838 ± 55 3090.1
56Da1kiAomine1647 83.4% 1805 ± 31 3298.7
57LeBarBURR21647 86.7% 1855 ± 45 3458.8
58proptontest1645 83.3% 1803 ± 36 3277.7
59braden135791644 82.3% 1792 ± 42 3161.7
60atr colossus1642 81.3% 1779 ± 48 3133.5
61lecroy1642 84.8% 1827 ± 55 3204.2
62Cotillion1641 81.2% 1778 ± 48 3007.2
63tangshi1638 80.4% 1768 ± 50 2981.8
64Purple Mantis1638 80.3% 1766 ± 43 3147.8
65Tunderboltz4561637 82.7% 1796 ± 49 3293.4
66503844a Hoshikuzu1633 82.5% 1795 ± 57 3236.2
67muy bien amigo1632 83.7% 1811 ± 51 3075.6
68master of slay1630 87.8% 1877 ± 62 3202.0
69MegaP.Trainer1629 82.1% 1788 ± 38 3265.9
70Makaai (Pokechump)1627 82.2% 1791 ± 58 3103.5
71unfuuny1623 83.6% 1813 ± 71 3292.3
72ND9GCN Pug 2.01623 81.4% 1781 ± 54 3091.1
73franzferdinand111623 79.7% 1760 ± 51 2996.1
74114514aa1622 88.0% 1881 ± 60 3476.0
75Szymszym1341622 83.0% 1799 ± 31 3316.5
76FlamingThunderG0d1621 76.2% 1720 ± 40 3033.2
77Crimson Circle1620 85.9% 1845 ± 57 3298.7
78UncleShannon1620 79.1% 1753 ± 46 3149.9
79liliqu1620 81.4% 1781 ± 49 3109.0
80jajam1618 89.9% 1917 ± 62 3396.9
81Harshub<31617 75.6% 1713 ± 27 3008.9
82Kat_XIII1616 80.7% 1771 ± 48 3220.3
83iluvrain1616 71.3% 1672 ± 44 2782.7
84malaki091616 89.2% 1900 ± 52 3523.7
85darkestlaureateyup1615 77.1% 1729 ± 29 3062.0
86bodden town1615 88.3% 1885 ± 52 3508.0
87notawastrolled1615 76.2% 1720 ± 43 2869.7
88Aranei1613 81.0% 1775 ± 43 3189.7
89jinmoyishi1612 75.7% 1715 ± 37 2997.9
90S0A0M0I01611 81.8% 1783 ± 30 3266.1
91Sentinel Of Sinnoh1611 80.3% 1766 ± 42 3041.0
92defame TV1611 93.1% 1999 ± 71 3714.6
93stripesrus1611 90.2% 1926 ± 68 3362.4
94xu91609 88.7% 1892 ± 58 3528.3
95GibeLobe1609 81.7% 1787 ± 69 3193.8
96crazy LU1609 79.7% 1759 ± 46 3001.5
97VazBap1608 79.8% 1759 ± 37 3174.1
98cancel ult1608 77.1% 1730 ± 45 3026.8
99NaCl sucks1607 80.7% 1773 ± 61 3109.3
100skylink421607 80.2% 1765 ± 47 3122.0
101FunInTheSunn1605 77.1% 1730 ± 41 2938.4
102bailong user1605 77.1% 1730 ± 41 2966.4
103Marquitosnator1605 77.4% 1732 ± 34 3068.3
104zyxnn1604 83.4% 1808 ± 58 3021.5
105503844a1603 81.1% 1776 ± 45 3222.4
106Alice_Finnemore1603 78.5% 1744 ± 26 3134.9
107phalap1603 77.5% 1733 ± 25 3091.2
108wishdban1602 81.2% 1777 ± 41 3163.6
109Flames Of Elixir1602 78.9% 1752 ± 61 3039.9
110aster colossus1601 92.2% 1974 ± 65 3585.1
111MegaAltariaGOAT1601 84.4% 1818 ± 37 3345.0
112iHaveAsthma1601 79.2% 1752 ± 27 3165.8
113CT should be 1.51601 87.3% 1870 ± 72 3416.8
114kevinyt7561600 85.4% 1834 ± 40 3362.2
115iron gender1600 80.2% 1765 ± 40 3045.5
116RenegadeBlacepalon1600 82.1% 1790 ± 55 3272.0
117az luguan1597 78.5% 1745 ± 36 3123.8
118lddd幸福蛋侠1597 82.1% 1792 ± 65 3210.6
119uvetblanka1596 78.9% 1752 ± 63 2990.1
120Jane Creek1596 81.9% 1786 ± 45 3167.9
121Ashkepchump1596 83.0% 1800 ± 46 3307.9
122ConvexCannon2611596 76.8% 1726 ± 28 3067.8
123TrickyDood1595 80.6% 1770 ± 51 3186.0
124dualipafan111595 81.3% 1780 ± 57 3089.2
125certainly yuanshen1595 79.6% 1758 ± 45 2997.8
126hjuyttdd1595 85.2% 1834 ± 58 3186.9
127Guave1595 83.1% 1805 ± 68 0.0
128Bl4zingSky1594 85.7% 1842 ± 60 3182.6
129Sardonyx_Amber1593 79.9% 1762 ± 48 3153.3
130uppa1592 85.9% 1845 ± 59 3333.3
131Matsuda Takato1591 91.2% 1948 ± 66 3440.5
132Future king of ou1591 80.9% 1776 ± 64 2038.6
133Ropalme19141591 83.3% 1805 ± 46 3290.0
134Fuutues123451590 79.6% 1760 ± 56 3147.5
135shedtailhater1590 84.2% 1818 ± 49 3325.2
136HNHY1589 87.2% 1866 ± 62 3433.1
137BeyondTheCloud1588 86.4% 1853 ± 63 3344.7
138qVlone1588 77.9% 1739 ± 44 3082.3
139Error50911587 71.5% 1674 ± 34 2850.3
140ndubers is lame1587 82.3% 1794 ± 65 3195.0
141Royal58881587 83.2% 1804 ± 50 3244.7
142Hayer1586 82.2% 1790 ± 49 3274.3
143notagreatrainer1585 85.4% 1836 ± 50 3398.4
144TheSh4dowKing1585 87.9% 1878 ± 62 3307.4
145Bobsican1585 84.6% 1821 ± 27 3376.5
146Vazquez 2.01585 84.0% 1817 ± 65 3288.4
147Revansubs1583 77.7% 1737 ± 45 3067.1
148piterdzwonek1583 73.9% 1696 ± 25 2948.2
149Pellucidity1583 77.7% 1738 ± 54 2988.4
15096Jak1583 78.4% 1744 ± 43 3125.9
151Pikaslayer20041582 83.9% 1814 ± 52 3338.2
152I-See-Use1581 93.8% 2025 ± 78 3731.8
153AnnQAQ1581 81.6% 1784 ± 57 2993.1
154Kantonian Ash1581 70.5% 1665 ± 39 2793.4
155olo211581 80.3% 1765 ± 26 3187.6
156ag1kr2tests1581 79.8% 1762 ± 54 3015.2
157Serendipity mence1580 89.2% 1904 ± 64 3526.9
158thunderscorexd1579 81.4% 1779 ± 32 3215.0
159Squeeby1579 76.7% 1727 ± 55 2859.2
160test_57_ent1579 82.6% 1798 ± 63 2985.3
161Testmynewteams1579 84.3% 1820 ± 58 3260.8
162jiuyuyuan1579 75.3% 1711 ± 33 2998.0
163L0wLadderish1t1579 83.5% 1810 ± 66 2984.9
164F.A.M.E.246 2nd1578 79.1% 1754 ± 62 3147.8
165N1nja_TestAcct1578 83.3% 1806 ± 56 3215.6
166Idi0t Tw1nk Rose1577 84.3% 1821 ± 64 3221.4
167neptune7321577 85.2% 1830 ± 25 3400.7
168xinnobu1577 87.9% 1877 ± 59 3506.7
169misterlolik41577 85.9% 1846 ± 62 3418.6
170TeraTestZyggy1577 79.1% 1753 ± 55 2978.9
171noxnyctores171577 78.0% 1739 ± 39 3075.4
172C0ld as Ice1576 93.1% 2001 ± 75 3715.7
173Gwen_of_the_Winds1576 79.5% 1756 ± 36 3118.5
174ezgamegetbetter1576 80.4% 1769 ± 57 3109.9
175inhalethegrief1575 70.9% 1668 ± 32 2759.0
176nuivlt1575 80.1% 1765 ± 53 2921.2
177wanderwander1575 73.6% 1694 ± 42 2187.4
178UberKing931575 85.4% 1837 ± 62 3183.5
179Fugiman1575 85.8% 1843 ± 54 3356.5
180iamtheno331574 78.9% 1750 ± 49 3082.3
181silexx1201574 80.1% 1763 ± 33 3188.1
182UberKing11574 87.3% 1868 ± 67 3272.3
183BonaFideHeroAzero1573 77.8% 1739 ± 57 2994.4
18490temirlan1573 77.3% 1732 ± 32 3082.1
185harsh6341572 84.7% 1828 ± 67 3375.1
186Vintage Record1572 81.3% 1780 ± 64 2964.9
187114514yjy1572 80.1% 1765 ± 55 2962.2
188cfainstitute1571 84.9% 1831 ± 65 3175.7
189Zrp2001571 86.5% 1855 ± 57 3448.5
190Zorocord1571 80.0% 1764 ± 53 2992.4
191PreUnPo枫林残雪1570 85.1% 1837 ± 82 3354.5
192qualitysalt1570 75.4% 1712 ± 35 2908.9
193Bugmonobestmono1570 80.5% 1769 ± 42 3207.5
194lookesomp1569 74.2% 1701 ± 50 2817.6
195DogShed1569 84.1% 1817 ± 49 3356.4
196test37211569 76.4% 1724 ± 51 3050.5
197kwayvo1568 76.8% 1726 ± 45 3040.6
198TRUMP2.01567 79.8% 1762 ± 55 3064.5
199manueel421566 72.6% 1684 ± 39 2880.2
200Ultra10801566 76.8% 1727 ± 34 3046.1
201typhoon fury1566 84.0% 1815 ± 51 3233.1
202all my fella1566 76.1% 1719 ± 38 3007.7
203karina 20051565 76.3% 1722 ± 50 2803.6
204xdmxdm1565 84.0% 1816 ± 54 3229.5
205sillyeboy1565 79.7% 1758 ± 26 3158.7
206InkyDarkBird1565 79.5% 1759 ± 60 3155.1
207Hittite Jumpscare1564 80.7% 1778 ± 89 3126.4
208Bc jzxhx1564 76.9% 1727 ± 38 2987.2
209khancoach231564 90.3% 1929 ± 71 3539.5
210kyz_z11564 72.4% 1683 ± 42 2867.4
211BlazingCloud☁️1564 80.4% 1769 ± 57 3019.6
212Dugtrioctillery1564 78.8% 1750 ± 57 2950.6
213UnpeacefulDraft1564 80.4% 1770 ± 63 2981.8
214realaccountami?1564 76.5% 1727 ± 74 2991.2
215legendspamisntreal1563 80.4% 1770 ± 63 2977.6
216StereotypicalStall1563 81.0% 1776 ± 58 2886.5
217actualonion1563 80.6% 1775 ± 81 3032.7
218NDUXphalap1562 75.3% 1713 ± 62 2952.7
219Crash Soma1562 80.0% 1767 ± 76 3060.1
220holymolybro1562 72.1% 1679 ± 33 2860.2
221Cram Au Rang1562 78.6% 1747 ± 55 2980.8
222zydhoas1562 84.2% 1821 ± 70 2980.2
223xumin20201562 76.5% 1723 ± 41 2912.2
224anchor91561 77.2% 1731 ± 44 3080.6
225daharan01561 83.5% 1810 ± 68 2984.9
226peakruto1560 75.5% 1714 ± 53 2957.2
227UBDG Suffering1560 80.5% 1771 ± 62 2985.5
228WheresBKCsnewvideo1559 84.5% 1823 ± 59 3335.9
229t3hree1559 70.7% 1668 ± 56 2662.6
230fentfridays1558 77.3% 1734 ± 54 2973.0
231cby liliou1558 82.4% 1795 ± 64 2985.3
232Niemcie1558 83.2% 1802 ± 38 0.0
233spiked lemonade1558 79.0% 1753 ± 56 2972.5
234Katharsisofzeraph1558 78.4% 1747 ± 65 3058.4
235Brutal Legend1557 82.3% 1792 ± 46 3256.4
236Busme1557 80.7% 1774 ± 70 3198.4
237Ashkepchump100%1557 79.6% 1758 ± 51 3173.4
238114514trn1557 85.0% 1831 ± 60 3310.0
239elder guardian1557 83.6% 1812 ± 68 3048.8
240SpookyMareep1557 71.4% 1672 ± 30 2851.5
241TD ✦ MoonDark1557 78.2% 1743 ± 53 2878.3
242NDUT Celestia1557 84.6% 1827 ± 72 2983.3
243iamtheno311556 81.8% 1787 ± 56 3151.7
244TeraFairyM21556 84.6% 1822 ± 39 3265.8
245Ubers Blue1555 79.6% 1760 ± 61 2980.6
246BoomBurstRina1555 88.3% 1891 ± 86 3363.3
247icemaster.2K1555 72.9% 1687 ± 37 2817.5
248saalio1555 79.6% 1760 ± 65 3012.2
249biblical love1555 84.3% 1823 ± 71 2994.2
250Lol i am noob1555 72.7% 1685 ± 39 2828.0
251Oculars♕1554 78.7% 1748 ± 49 3113.1
252UwUdyr1554 80.8% 1775 ± 64 2988.1
253GenoSins121553 80.5% 1776 ± 89 3046.3
254XYStarshine.星耀1553 85.1% 1841 ± 99 3127.0
255i am alticus1553 85.5% 1841 ± 71 3003.2
256Shinjou Akane1553 88.4% 1896 ± 98 3453.0
257Lubro1553 76.9% 1728 ± 44 3026.6
258best liliou1553 78.9% 1752 ± 55 2844.3
259Vancky1552 83.8% 1812 ± 46 3332.9
260jiancat1552 76.7% 1726 ± 40 3025.1
261Bunrphenix1552 91.8% 1974 ± 100 3483.7
262Diz4Ditto1552 76.8% 1730 ± 73 2986.3
263obamago1552 79.5% 1758 ± 60 3156.7
264tera ban plz1552 79.9% 1762 ± 51 3034.1
265LucidMallard1971552 75.6% 1714 ± 43 3015.0
266cb50a1552 77.8% 1739 ± 55 2982.7
267Sha1apouf1551 82.4% 1796 ± 62 3275.6
2680207 A.M.1551 76.7% 1725 ± 41 3060.8
269ZyggySmalls1551 83.3% 1807 ± 63 3128.5
270MaIsAGreatPlace1551 77.6% 1737 ± 53 2952.3
271NDXU N1nja1551 80.2% 1768 ± 61 2986.0
272ToastSlayer1551 78.2% 1742 ± 46 3119.1
273TD 》 Nota1551 83.4% 1810 ± 68 2824.7
274reyalp modnar1550 82.1% 1791 ± 65 2987.8
275cammie the best1550 79.2% 1755 ± 57 3056.4
276Xyonsmurf1550 72.6% 1685 ± 51 2854.7
277stalesocks691549 74.2% 1700 ± 45 2907.8
278zenmi1549 81.6% 1786 ± 67 2981.8
279UberAceJames1549 83.0% 1802 ± 63 3026.9
280biggus1549 78.1% 1741 ± 46 3114.7
281DIOGAMERPVP1231549 66.3% 1628 ± 34 2625.2
282team-tryer1549 75.6% 1715 ± 50 2844.6
283goons4hire1548 79.4% 1758 ± 60 2984.9
284susGarbage0071548 81.3% 1781 ± 64 2976.6
285cancel cult1548 78.3% 1743 ± 40 3117.7
286Xander Sherlock1548 81.0% 1779 ± 78 3047.8
287Bolt of Gransaxx1548 80.6% 1772 ± 64 2980.7
288Calmmind751548 79.0% 1754 ± 64 3111.3
289nduk 41548 90.2% 1924 ± 63 3555.0
290ItPullsTheStrings1548 78.5% 1747 ± 57 2980.9
291AwfulDreamsAscend1548 83.2% 1808 ± 70 3051.8
292GarchompExVgc1548 80.2% 1769 ± 73 3148.5
293IND Zephyr1548 77.8% 1738 ± 51 2987.7
294Yeetusfeetus691548 77.8% 1739 ± 59 3079.6
295Max hyperspace1547 77.1% 1730 ± 43 3033.9
29690temirlaan1547 79.9% 1762 ± 54 3167.4
297PokeTrixChosen1547 77.8% 1739 ± 60 2804.7
298flopdop1547 81.1% 1778 ± 64 2999.2
299Jinoo Daddy1547 84.7% 1829 ± 74 3369.2
300John Nonbinary1547 79.5% 1758 ± 56 3020.8
301Ultra Sonichu1547 80.6% 1772 ± 64 2976.2
302tera2 zrp2001547 79.7% 1761 ± 61 2974.5
303nolagency1547 81.7% 1784 ± 57 3206.8
304koxyyyyyyy1547 85.6% 1838 ± 48 3265.9
305MewtwoX helper1546 78.5% 1746 ± 53 2980.9
306jayda wayd1546 81.3% 1781 ± 63 2976.6
307QiYu181546 83.6% 1813 ± 71 3210.4
308cmery_exe1546 75.8% 1717 ± 55 2769.9
309iamtheno951546 80.7% 1772 ± 54 2916.6
310leftasanexercise1546 84.6% 1829 ± 82 3265.8
311jdsbfds1546 83.5% 1811 ± 69 2984.9
312Husali1546 79.8% 1759 ± 30 3165.3
313NDUbers Brainrot1546 86.1% 1855 ± 90 3404.8
314TheNexyr1546 82.7% 1800 ± 68 3279.6
315banteraineverytier1546 82.5% 1797 ± 68 2988.9
316carealover1545 77.3% 1733 ± 54 2980.3
317Bandedski1545 83.7% 1814 ± 72 3017.4
318abz51545 80.1% 1764 ± 46 3197.1
319penguuuuuuin1545 82.7% 1799 ± 65 3003.0
320Mystigen1545 75.2% 1713 ± 70 2960.8
321Vrtclll1545 72.8% 1686 ± 33 2865.4
322Sh4dowKyng1545 86.2% 1852 ± 73 3156.0
323Menacing Sunraze1545 83.3% 1807 ± 65 3044.0
324ScarfDestinyBond1545 83.1% 1805 ± 69 2987.8
325ihyall1545 72.9% 1687 ± 44 2851.2
326cndkdmddde1545 83.2% 1805 ± 61 2964.9
327Unsuspecting Dude1545 79.4% 1759 ± 71 3149.5
328lemon crayon1545 80.8% 1774 ± 61 2988.1
329Dr.scoozeti1545 82.9% 1804 ± 80 2944.5
330fjcndkdmdmds1544 81.0% 1776 ± 58 2886.5
331ND Lugg1544 81.5% 1784 ± 65 2989.4
332ResearchScientist1544 81.2% 1780 ± 64 2978.4
333Bad Dreams Rising1544 81.4% 1782 ± 60 3215.0
334felixmix1544 85.6% 1842 ± 73 2980.8
335not cry little guy1544 82.5% 1794 ± 50 3272.7
336KingofSh4dows1544 80.2% 1766 ± 55 3003.1
337NDUTS 7321544 84.1% 1816 ± 52 3353.3
338Vecchiorei1544 63.2% 1603 ± 52 2408.7
339Scorsusbus1544 79.4% 1757 ± 57 2979.2
340Bl4ckFire1543 77.4% 1735 ± 56 2766.8
341DrHowitzer1543 57.7% 1558 ± 38 2227.4
342fromagesuisse1543 81.9% 1788 ± 65 2992.8
343the pissgrinder1543 80.7% 1772 ± 59 3113.3
344GigaBytes71543 79.5% 1758 ± 57 3139.3
345thegirl0nfire1543 80.6% 1770 ± 51 3209.7
346monster5461543 79.7% 1762 ± 67 2971.0
347AwwNards1543 79.7% 1764 ± 82 3112.3
348ifeellikegimmicks1543 85.3% 1838 ± 70 2996.2
349Sh4dowK1ng SR1543 86.4% 1854 ± 71 3216.9
350MrBest20231543 64.1% 1609 ± 38 2561.1
351kybisadem'sbff1543 83.8% 1815 ± 71 2986.3
352PB A VICTIM1543 81.4% 1787 ± 88 3073.3
353Trainer#2611542 79.3% 1756 ± 59 3133.0
354DonJPablo1542 76.7% 1727 ± 56 3037.4
355SuspectTestingTera1542 79.1% 1754 ± 58 2995.5
356floober asmr1542 82.2% 1795 ± 79 3142.7
357Arceus Adventures1542 79.1% 1752 ± 51 3047.6
358pikachu in ag1542 82.0% 1789 ± 58 2940.0
359Tobiaszek1542 79.5% 1756 ± 30 3146.8
360I Consume Chairs1542 84.2% 1819 ± 58 3358.6
361Suspect Odryq1542 78.5% 1747 ± 55 2977.0
36220% sleepy1542 81.4% 1783 ± 65 2980.3
363shy95271542 80.2% 1768 ± 68 3182.4
364Blackm0on1542 74.8% 1708 ± 62 2948.0
365i breezed the bed1542 79.6% 1760 ± 60 2983.7
366Bourrasque1541 79.2% 1753 ± 50 3009.4
367NDUT WillroXD1541 83.7% 1814 ± 69 2982.7
368By_fenix3241541 78.3% 1747 ± 72 2836.7
369eelektrik funeral1541 79.1% 1756 ± 76 3126.7
370as6667771541 72.9% 1688 ± 49 2745.4
371Mickey3141540 80.7% 1776 ± 77 3000.9
372bigbaurens1540 80.6% 1769 ± 39 3185.0
373bigbazingaballs1540 78.0% 1740 ± 41 3004.2
374gmat practice1540 78.6% 1748 ± 64 2888.2
375Bot_910231539 82.1% 1788 ± 43 3249.3
376LTaM1539 80.1% 1766 ± 63 3135.3
377KuangBaoLaoYang斯大杨1539 78.3% 1746 ± 71 3079.1
378FunnyValentine41539 85.3% 1834 ± 51 3354.6
379harbinger_of_meat1539 79.1% 1751 ± 30 3145.4
380SlavzerBeam1539 74.1% 1700 ± 61 2718.0
381Undercast1539 78.7% 1750 ± 61 2910.4
382Ayano'rexique ´1539 77.6% 1740 ± 82 2914.4
383OOL0NGTEA1539 82.0% 1790 ± 65 3119.7
384guy1751539 79.7% 1759 ± 50 3171.9
385Pickedman1539 77.8% 1739 ± 58 3100.5
386inoion1538 85.3% 1837 ± 67 3396.4
387GEDO RINNE TENSEI1538 80.9% 1778 ± 75 3199.9
388Litty9101538 76.3% 1722 ± 56 2793.5
389MC_mckey1538 77.2% 1732 ± 60 3013.8
390Bl4ckFyre test1538 79.5% 1758 ± 56 2841.9
391HOT ENJOYER1538 79.0% 1753 ± 63 3064.1
392BiuJJ1538 76.3% 1722 ± 58 3035.1
393peterkart44441538 68.1% 1644 ± 45 2688.9
394Mazinger XYZ1538 73.1% 1689 ± 39 2812.5
395Deyvsson30001538 75.7% 1717 ± 59 2936.1
396cuteheat1537 86.7% 1860 ± 73 3239.4
397hecorter31537 78.0% 1743 ± 74 3033.0
398boi in the back1537 70.9% 1669 ± 52 2609.7
399lkrtgwgsw1537 79.7% 1762 ± 63 2974.5
400MobMentality1001537 79.4% 1757 ± 59 2838.3
401cheesepuddingdrip1536 76.2% 1721 ± 45 2998.7
402hexagonereal1536 81.9% 1785 ± 40 3271.5
403Sh4dowking1536 85.6% 1841 ± 69 3211.8
404hshdbrj1536 79.4% 1758 ± 65 2927.3
405liliou1536 82.3% 1790 ± 29 3273.8
406AberrantReceptacle1536 72.3% 1682 ± 45 2823.3
407UnamedTurd1536 72.8% 1687 ± 51 2787.3
408Umbre test1536 87.7% 1881 ± 88 3408.8
409ovalboi1536 81.5% 1784 ± 63 3220.3
410i will save tera1536 84.4% 1824 ± 70 2976.3
411Tianelfik1535 80.5% 1772 ± 66 3192.6
412Cynthiahusband13141535 82.0% 1795 ± 87 3221.5
413Gh0stFire1535 78.3% 1746 ± 64 2822.7
414The Tubenut1535 80.7% 1774 ± 65 2975.2
415Ytumpzz$1535 68.4% 1647 ± 55 2715.8
416Jaw Surgery Lover1535 74.1% 1698 ± 38 2915.5
417zhyash1535 86.5% 1856 ± 70 3410.1
418gtmh1535 79.3% 1757 ± 60 2879.6
419joker761535 84.0% 1818 ± 75 3345.9
420Keloghasi81535 71.5% 1674 ± 44 2810.3
421BieberDialga1535 79.6% 1762 ± 73 3086.7
422Heckto1535 73.0% 1689 ± 49 2877.7
423CertSwift1535 79.2% 1758 ± 82 3148.4
424ladrones1535 64.6% 1613 ± 25 2556.7
425O.9mirror1534 82.1% 1791 ± 65 3218.0
426WeirdHamster1534 91.2% 1950 ± 70 3638.0
427tucktsnuggly1534 85.2% 1839 ± 87 3086.7
428Palkiaraquanid1534 84.2% 1821 ± 74 3009.9
429Devil Tot1534 87.8% 1883 ± 85 3173.2
430ra2zuu1534 76.9% 1733 ± 86 2937.1
431Da1mon!1534 70.4% 1665 ± 57 2747.9
432Duke sux1534 80.8% 1775 ± 69 3164.8
433KittyCatViolet3791533 78.2% 1743 ± 54 2982.0
434shuiyi1533 78.9% 1755 ± 83 1115.8
435jlsdfhpjksdhfni1533 83.1% 1804 ± 61 3301.6
436TD 》 hazz1533 72.3% 1682 ± 46 2738.0
437foolish lamp1533 82.1% 1792 ± 66 2987.8
438R Dorado1533 82.0% 1791 ± 71 3053.0
439wifike1533 78.7% 1750 ± 62 2961.2
440More than Elos1533 82.8% 1800 ± 60 3277.1
441uoudush1533 77.6% 1734 ± 31 3083.3
442Silveruby1533 78.5% 1746 ± 51 2933.1
443RIP TERA LOL1533 81.2% 1780 ± 62 2978.4
444Matoto_OG1533 75.3% 1718 ± 98 2943.2
445nellight1533 83.0% 1803 ± 68 2992.2
446Bitconnnect1532 71.3% 1672 ± 38 2847.2
447MGR RAGE1532 86.7% 1860 ± 72 3362.8
448YoungShilohD1532 78.0% 1740 ± 45 2963.8
449lemoncell01532 82.2% 1793 ± 65 3276.6
450fates messenger1532 84.1% 1819 ± 71 2997.0
451JAY1000641532 90.2% 1928 ± 82 3570.5
452geommui91532 78.9% 1754 ± 78 2954.4
453vnkuhbjj1532 84.7% 1830 ± 76 3036.8
454OriginalName16791532 78.1% 1745 ± 79 2969.5
455Xiantwa1532 73.6% 1696 ± 56 2912.5
456I like salt cure1532 84.2% 1822 ± 74 2980.2
457ijnmkopl1532 83.4% 1810 ± 65 3270.3
458El chinito59631532 81.5% 1790 ± 96 3170.3
459Bleu Electric1532 79.1% 1753 ± 55 2984.0
460hi ashyyy nwn1532 82.0% 1791 ± 68 2984.2
461Loxryu1532 77.1% 1730 ± 52 3057.8
462Myuuian strats1532 78.5% 1748 ± 65 2844.0
463agtvvgc1531 80.8% 1776 ± 68 3219.9
464SlayerArceus251531 75.5% 1713 ± 49 3010.2
465APphi1531 78.1% 1748 ± 91 3087.1
466ObamaChungus1531 75.6% 1715 ± 55 2821.5
467stellarterastal1531 82.0% 1790 ± 66 2977.6
468LBSD1531 75.7% 1718 ± 71 2986.9
469POMPURC1531 80.6% 1773 ± 62 3103.3
470Si Si Papi1531 84.5% 1827 ± 75 3330.7
471estainmundaimback1531 77.1% 1731 ± 60 3029.0
472FilipekEVER1531 81.7% 1785 ± 60 3173.0
473anran_shama1531 88.6% 1894 ± 72 3440.3
474sachothegreat1530 68.1% 1644 ± 55 2712.6
475Xander6971530 76.3% 1724 ± 68 2991.0
476ball571530 77.7% 1739 ± 64 3057.3
477kaasmolens1530 78.1% 1744 ± 68 3046.7
478MrMaster1234561530 80.8% 1776 ± 74 3216.0
479Hoenn's Fury1530 68.7% 1649 ± 51 2707.8
480Paradox Leavanny1530 79.4% 1763 ± 95 3107.2
481Arya Silverheart1530 70.9% 1669 ± 49 2746.7
482King Alber1530 76.6% 1726 ± 56 2865.2
483AOA is broken1529 78.9% 1752 ± 57 3028.7
484vandoor1529 80.9% 1775 ± 56 3228.8
485ink color1529 75.2% 1712 ± 61 2796.3
486Nyzari1529 76.0% 1718 ± 43 3035.1
487rhwidhdiehcn1529 82.6% 1799 ± 68 2985.3
488PekPicPek1529 85.4% 1842 ± 87 3378.6
489Pigbeeef1529 75.8% 1723 ± 94 2978.1
490lemoncell0o1529 78.2% 1744 ± 62 2904.1
491lillie dantuiren1528 76.4% 1726 ± 73 2882.1
492Tonberry 1151528 65.8% 1624 ± 49 2608.0
493winner_au1528 75.0% 1710 ± 62 2689.0
494TheCommuneCollects1528 77.9% 1742 ± 68 2835.0
495Willooversace1528 72.2% 1681 ± 52 2866.3
496WereBigBack1528 79.3% 1756 ± 58 2983.8
497NectarHead1528 78.7% 1748 ± 53 3100.2
498Sol Ringer1528 73.2% 1691 ± 52 2868.9
499CYRUZZZ1528 73.3% 1691 ± 30 2915.5
500Pr0plyer1528 74.1% 1700 ± 63 2899.5