
CAP top 500

Name Elo GXE Glicko-1 COIL
1UnsaintedXD1598 90.6% 1927 ± 33 --
2JayHeaven1533 89.3% 1905 ± 61 --
3Drippy T IV1523 78.5% 1744 ± 32 --
4Spammernoob1517 87.4% 1871 ± 70 --
5Amamama1500 85.3% 1839 ± 81 --
6Suuuuper Craig1469 83.8% 1821 ± 97 --
7Vandalokk31466 85.0% 1830 ± 51 --
8reformed unlucky1466 90.2% 1919 ± 34 --
9dex1458 85.3% 1843 ± 92 --
10uppa1450 83.9% 1816 ± 62 --
11socks or dies1445 81.8% 1789 ± 71 --
12sgpg-cap1435 83.0% 1807 ± 83 --
13trick or dies!1435 80.4% 1773 ± 85 --
14Iron Crusher ♡1431 79.2% 1761 ± 98 --
15CAPLT24GG drip1425 76.9% 1734 ± 93 --
16CAPLT24GG MUAD DIB1418 72.0% 1684 ± 95 --
17CAPLT24GG poopi1418 69.9% 1664 ± 90 --
18hcff1408 83.7% 1817 ± 85 --
19NoWayIt’sVae1405 77.4% 1741 ± 99 --
20cap tester11402 81.3% 1782 ± 70 --
21unlucky reform1387 83.2% 1805 ± 58 --
22Jew'd Harley1386 72.2% 1681 ± 42 --
23test unlucky t1383 83.3% 1806 ± 56 --
24reachzero1380 79.7% 1761 ± 63 --
25LogdaPomo1375 78.8% 1754 ± 80 --
26RoFnA1373 82.9% 1808 ± 99 --
27Da Pizza Man1369 76.0% 1720 ± 66 --
28AtariAlex1367 77.6% 1737 ± 61 --
29CAPLT24OD Noob1367 74.8% 1713 ± 100 --
30unluckykk31365 76.3% 1724 ± 68 --
31Grand Phooey1364 78.6% 1752 ± 88 --
32ralphini51362 79.9% 1770 ± 99 --
33test unlucky k1361 85.6% 1838 ± 43 --
34CAPLT24OD Victory1358 68.5% 1652 ± 96 --
35caplt24odsickleant1358 71.0% 1675 ± 96 --
36STTP reachzero1352 77.1% 1735 ± 84 --
37ACDCfire1352 76.9% 1727 ± 37 --
38CAPLT24OD Shispier1351 70.8% 1672 ± 96 --
39MORBING23821351 77.0% 1734 ± 85 --
40sgpg-cap-test1347 82.4% 1797 ± 77 --
41quziel1347 79.2% 1757 ± 75 --
42STTP noob1345 78.4% 1752 ± 95 --
43PepsiPlunge1345 78.3% 1743 ± 40 --
44amnael011344 77.6% 1738 ± 69 --
45SpammernoobAlt31343 82.0% 1797 ± 98 --
46dolakks♡1341 76.6% 1725 ± 55 --
47r unlucky 21340 79.3% 1758 ± 72 --
48HjayAlt1340 78.9% 1753 ± 70 --
49DomDaBomb8861336 75.0% 1714 ± 93 --
50SteamBuns1336 77.8% 1743 ± 84 --
51ryangregory781333 78.5% 1749 ± 70 --
52Baigawaiga1332 79.5% 1764 ± 90 --
53KK3Vandalo1330 82.3% 1798 ± 85 --
54Lasen1329 76.6% 1730 ± 86 --
55Asb031329 81.4% 1782 ± 62 --
56Anchor91328 74.2% 1702 ± 64 --
57Ixkukul1326 64.1% 1609 ± 41 --
58reformed unsainted1325 81.9% 1789 ± 69 --
59Xfjdht1322 73.1% 1695 ± 94 --
60ultrabeastsmeargle1321 71.5% 1678 ± 79 --
61bulultreem1321 76.3% 1727 ± 86 --
62frusolone1320 76.8% 1730 ± 76 --
63jl88c1320 73.5% 1700 ± 99 --
64ClamRustler1318 71.7% 1681 ± 94 --
65hp poison latias1317 75.3% 1715 ± 79 --
66Scepticskep1315 70.2% 1664 ± 65 --
67yuh mans...?1314 71.4% 1676 ± 77 --
68unlucky sanctified1312 82.0% 1792 ± 74 --
69dinhgiahung4b1311 73.9% 1701 ± 85 --
70Sasha28081308 72.7% 1687 ± 60 --
71MellyDundun1303 77.4% 1738 ± 85 --
72Philou0081303 71.6% 1678 ± 80 --
73CAPLT24OD Anchor91299 63.8% 1610 ± 89 --
74Docter_Peng991298 69.8% 1659 ± 47 --
75xkingangel1293 77.1% 1736 ± 92 --
76thing maker1292 74.0% 1701 ± 73 --
77CAPLT24GG Ale1290 75.1% 1714 ± 91 --
78Everyday_Reyes1288 69.1% 1657 ± 100 --
79blkwmnlvr1285 71.0% 1675 ± 95 --
80fcioshox1283 77.0% 1736 ± 100 --
81lbwllj1281 79.6% 1766 ± 100 --
82yeDAY1281 69.5% 1657 ± 61 --
83Greydientz1281 72.9% 1693 ± 90 --
84Wombat Police1280 66.7% 1636 ± 94 --
85Xenizen1280 74.9% 1709 ± 61 --
8616th Gym Leader1279 49.4% 1495 ± 97 --
87CoolMichaelYew1277 68.3% 1648 ± 81 --
88el bulu loco1274 76.2% 1723 ± 64 --
89Flooshloosh761273 73.4% 1696 ± 80 --
90Bobsican1273 73.3% 1697 ± 92 --
91norebuhl1273 66.6% 1632 ± 57 --
92mal trainer1272 74.1% 1704 ± 88 --
93AtWorkAlt1272 71.5% 1678 ± 89 --
94reformed unlucky21271 76.1% 1724 ± 83 --
95minhquang14081270 68.1% 1648 ± 90 --
96AJ Chops1270 67.0% 1635 ± 66 --
97CAPLT24OD Lavos1268 62.4% 1599 ± 99 --
98Galarian Blades1268 68.8% 1651 ± 61 --
99Samoyed-6661266 70.9% 1670 ± 57 --
100Amelitango1265 74.7% 1710 ± 87 --
101CassBubble1264 73.4% 1696 ± 81 --
102vi best waifu1263 70.4% 1667 ± 79 --
103facemcface521263 73.2% 1696 ± 94 --
104ashiceclaw1263 69.1% 1655 ± 70 --
105Waldinjy1263 72.4% 1686 ± 82 --
106SpDef Cloyster ftw1260 70.8% 1674 ± 99 --
107oniduA1260 62.4% 1598 ± 83 --
108Dyclic1257 71.3% 1678 ± 98 --
109sgpg-cap21252 71.7% 1681 ± 91 --
110Samirsin1252 62.8% 1600 ± 73 --
111JackGTheBanana1249 68.1% 1647 ± 78 --
112hoovynewyear1247 73.0% 1694 ± 97 --
113DisasterLesbian1246 74.2% 1706 ± 99 --
114raphi301246 69.7% 1661 ± 81 --
115turnup11245 69.4% 1660 ± 96 --
116ZippleZapple1243 66.1% 1629 ± 82 --
117dr3ntel1243 72.4% 1682 ± 31 --
118Keko Master1242 67.1% 1637 ± 68 --
119EVE091242 66.8% 1634 ± 68 --
120W47m3110!1239 60.6% 1584 ± 100 --
121Pikachu5571238 64.0% 1611 ± 79 --
122Vgc tester Italy1237 60.9% 1584 ± 49 --
123civanna1237 66.2% 1631 ± 92 --
124Vandalokk3 21236 74.9% 1712 ± 84 --
125TheAndriconGirl1235 69.2% 1657 ± 83 --
126CalionDraconus1234 69.4% 1659 ± 86 --
127CAPLT24GG net1234 68.6% 1652 ± 95 --
128Asthom Saxon1231 76.0% 1724 ± 85 --
129be sad691231 63.3% 1605 ± 78 --
130puffooo1224 62.9% 1601 ± 57 --
131420samurott31224 62.2% 1596 ± 76 --
132dragonmaster4411222 65.3% 1623 ± 95 --
133vexmon1222 57.5% 1558 ± 74 --
134Sificon~1222 63.1% 1605 ± 99 --
135YTuPadreQTalMea1221 64.5% 1616 ± 98 --
136vuldark2341220 69.7% 1661 ± 83 --
137unregistered acc1219 58.5% 1567 ± 91 --
138ChubbyMCchu1219 69.7% 1661 ± 77 --
139YungDuwang1215 68.4% 1649 ± 81 --
140GraveDiggaMountain1215 64.2% 1611 ± 46 --
141Mashle D Potatoes1215 67.6% 1642 ± 86 --
142V-Creating Victory1210 68.6% 1652 ± 95 --
143reformed unlucky31210 74.3% 1705 ± 80 --
144Dooom1231209 65.2% 1622 ± 88 --
145reverse whirl1204 62.4% 1599 ± 88 --
146xohs1203 71.4% 1678 ± 93 --
147BillthePurpleGuy1202 60.9% 1586 ± 82 --
148jagfl1201 58.9% 1569 ± 63 --
149thepoopidoopi1199 65.1% 1621 ± 90 --
150Mynamewillbedog1198 60.0% 1579 ± 95 --
151nyrme1198 62.4% 1598 ± 83 --
152jhlbv1197 65.5% 1625 ± 93 --
153Iciestdude1197 58.8% 1568 ± 71 --
154CAPLT24GG Aqua1197 69.0% 1655 ± 93 --
155blackbolt_091196 69.2% 1658 ± 95 --
156traceyscetchit1195 66.1% 1628 ± 67 --
157samsung television1195 67.5% 1642 ± 97 --
158TheBroSlowest1195 62.1% 1596 ± 86 --
159ilovestall5311193 72.8% 1692 ± 99 --
160FumidaFox1192 55.8% 1546 ± 99 --
161Borjarnon1191 68.3% 1650 ± 92 --
162bimblor101191 70.8% 1673 ± 92 --
163MyStaT1190 68.0% 1646 ± 88 --
164fciowbs1189 69.2% 1657 ± 87 --
165Mini Miller1187 70.9% 1674 ± 99 --
166SantuFairy1186 57.9% 1561 ± 65 --
167StallyJeff1186 65.3% 1621 ± 69 --
168STTP raven1186 65.8% 1626 ± 79 --
169Grdmaster1184 49.8% 1498 ± 92 --
170CJ Stratagem1184 69.0% 1654 ± 78 --
171Bernie7761183 59.7% 1576 ± 84 --
172Absolute Six1182 71.3% 1678 ± 98 --
173MoonSizedHeart1182 69.3% 1659 ± 97 --
174boostsweeper1181 59.8% 1577 ± 85 --
175hyposis1180 62.0% 1595 ± 97 --
176poopidoopii1179 56.6% 1552 ± 95 --
177haxlolo1178 69.2% 1656 ± 81 --
178miniaoumiae1176 56.5% 1550 ± 66 --
179Mincera311176 63.8% 1610 ± 96 --
180Sinofdrip1175 59.0% 1570 ± 88 --
181hackmonsforever1174 59.0% 1570 ± 78 --
182Luigi200001173 57.2% 1556 ± 78 --
183Corvisnide1171 65.6% 1626 ± 98 --
184Nickolaser the God1171 65.8% 1628 ± 96 --
185I1RIZZ1I1171 60.3% 1581 ± 92 --
186SUNmyser1170 68.1% 1644 ± 52 --
187SHREK 21(ALT.)1170 59.8% 1577 ± 86 --
188Azerty111168 61.7% 1591 ± 65 --
189Caos 8451167 56.8% 1553 ± 82 --
190STTP Anchor91166 69.3% 1658 ± 83 --
191PastraSpecs1165 58.2% 1564 ± 75 --
192foulplaytothetop1165 62.4% 1598 ± 93 --
193STTPRocks1164 59.9% 1577 ± 75 --
194252SpAtkBidenBlast1164 59.3% 1573 ± 91 --
195nicamaz1162 63.4% 1607 ± 93 --
196Slayqueencatriona1161 63.9% 1611 ± 94 --
197paperclippete1160 61.7% 1590 ± 42 --
198rodrigo2vs21160 56.5% 1551 ± 87 --
199rototyler1158 66.7% 1636 ± 95 --
200thayassu1157 64.7% 1618 ± 91 --
201Sirbelgrave1156 65.3% 1623 ± 91 --
202SakuraShunshui1156 57.9% 1561 ± 75 --
203The Wonder 0f You1154 62.5% 1599 ± 94 --
204Afox45671153 59.3% 1574 ± 96 --
205KIME091221153 47.8% 1483 ± 89 --
206chillface_noob1152 55.5% 1543 ± 88 --
207uhjejsjsbds1151 57.0% 1555 ± 90 --
208pleasepatient1151 63.3% 1606 ± 94 --
209KieranKidz1150 50.1% 1501 ± 99 --
210PikKledTmatO1150 61.8% 1592 ± 80 --
211LemonyPancake991150 55.6% 1544 ± 97 --
212MarshmallowBird1149 61.8% 1592 ± 65 --
213kohth1149 51.7% 1513 ± 92 --
214OIE1231149 64.1% 1614 ± 99 --
215darth xman1149 52.3% 1518 ± 97 --
216Schummel_81149 61.2% 1589 ± 97 --
217plasma131148 52.4% 1519 ± 92 --
218brightlighttruth1148 42.7% 1444 ± 57 --
219CAPLT24GG UwU1147 39.7% 1419 ± 95 --
220Darkliste1146 64.6% 1616 ± 80 --
221Colonel three1145 50.9% 1507 ± 75 --
222jsjejesns1144 51.8% 1514 ± 85 --
223Md enjoyer1144 62.0% 1596 ± 99 --
224worsedillonbrooks1144 53.8% 1529 ± 97 --
225implayingatworkrn1144 60.6% 1584 ± 88 --
226Chris64971144 60.4% 1582 ± 92 --
227thevoard33331143 58.2% 1564 ± 73 --
228TheHaxSupreme1143 57.7% 1560 ± 94 --
229VahnNFG1143 53.6% 1528 ± 87 --
230Mask 441142 57.8% 1561 ± 79 --
231like a dragonite1141 57.8% 1561 ± 77 --
232here 4 chill1140 55.2% 1540 ± 65 --
233EpicUmbreon291139 54.1% 1532 ± 75 --
234tkgunu1139 57.2% 1556 ± 83 --
235magictrick4531139 53.1% 1524 ± 90 --
236chum grumbo1139 60.5% 1583 ± 94 --
237STTP Light1139 62.6% 1601 ± 99 --
238Cheez4Ch0pz1138 62.9% 1603 ± 96 --
239Ailsonfiuza1138 57.6% 1559 ± 79 --
240Nightslash1211137 52.1% 1516 ± 86 --
241Kendrasurprise1136 55.3% 1541 ± 89 --
242Plasmacrusader x1136 52.7% 1521 ± 77 --
243Hoey141136 54.0% 1532 ± 95 --
244B-Nut171136 47.3% 1480 ± 64 --
245baustien1134 55.7% 1545 ± 84 --
246Ador64b1134 58.8% 1569 ± 88 --
247Paperm471134 56.4% 1550 ± 85 --
248polaer1134 60.0% 1579 ± 93 --
249festiveraven1134 55.8% 1545 ± 90 --
250rekcuskco1132 57.0% 1555 ± 92 --
251Mimicry Master1132 58.5% 1567 ± 93 --
252chibre bleu1132 55.8% 1546 ± 99 --
253wattinculo1130 55.9% 1546 ± 74 --
254Jomakl1130 40.3% 1425 ± 67 --
255Buster the laddy1129 61.0% 1588 ± 95 --
256Clippy41129 60.4% 1582 ± 90 --
257poopy2401127 57.3% 1556 ± 61 --
258CH) Yair1127 50.6% 1505 ± 64 --
259Salvypara.exe1126 55.3% 1541 ± 66 --
260Reywas3151126 51.9% 1514 ± 89 --
261Alpha0meganium1126 57.5% 1558 ± 85 --
262Yung Embryo1126 57.9% 1562 ± 87 --
263Lygophobia1125 49.4% 1495 ± 93 --
264thygreenbean1121 56.7% 1553 ± 96 --
265DemonDanandBriand1120 54.0% 1531 ± 99 --
266Astralich1119 55.2% 1540 ± 56 --
267goofy mc ahh1118 56.6% 1551 ± 70 --
268viictor191118 57.7% 1560 ± 76 --
269Bring The Propain1117 49.9% 1499 ± 88 --
270Vortex85691117 51.8% 1514 ± 84 --
271bazyle1117 51.2% 1509 ± 98 --
272Archival Purposes1117 61.6% 1592 ± 91 --
273natdex lovergirl1116 52.8% 1522 ± 91 --
274TheGreatUUScandal1116 42.3% 1439 ± 93 --
275Fliper4ever1115 51.3% 1510 ± 71 --
276bigkingrollo1114 54.0% 1530 ± 56 --
277grohbie1112 50.4% 1503 ± 82 --
278Corporate Donkey1111 55.3% 1541 ± 90 --
279Grimmaster1111 58.7% 1567 ± 53 --
280XM3071111 36.7% 1395 ± 81 --
281Yus HeitsLv.1001110 61.1% 1586 ± 48 --
282enigmix8881109 55.8% 1545 ± 95 --
283dragonbed2goldpile1108 50.5% 1504 ± 72 --
284I'm new 73191108 56.6% 1552 ± 86 --
285kaido641107 56.7% 1552 ± 97 --
286opalitz123451106 49.2% 1494 ± 77 --
287theshinymimikyu41106 58.3% 1564 ± 70 --
288JackRG11106 57.3% 1557 ± 92 --
289SpeedDart1106 52.2% 1517 ± 58 --
290Monkeypolice1801106 58.9% 1570 ± 87 --
291fishpissbaby1105 61.4% 1588 ± 46 --
292Extraseven1105 49.2% 1493 ± 74 --
293Duncleberry1104 45.0% 1460 ± 96 --
294ToadAwesome1103 51.9% 1515 ± 88 --
295doggirldog1102 62.0% 1593 ± 56 --
296Howdy Doody691101 56.0% 1547 ± 98 --
297Hyperhugo1101 46.8% 1475 ± 75 --
298Biggest Boy Pants1101 55.7% 1543 ± 48 --
299whatfanta1100 52.2% 1517 ± 100 --
300BlazeInferno991100 55.8% 1545 ± 78 --
301Mystic Pagwen1099 60.4% 1583 ± 97 --
302Flyvillainy1098 44.0% 1453 ± 89 --
303Kai 54091097 56.5% 1551 ± 89 --
3041p1o1s1h1e11096 54.9% 1538 ± 95 --
305equal parenthases1095 47.6% 1481 ± 63 --
306Gayvirgo1094 47.1% 1478 ± 44 --
307ZekoPlayzR61092 49.3% 1494 ± 94 --
308AJJLL1091 52.7% 1521 ± 99 --
309inkcolor1091 53.2% 1525 ± 88 --
310wilinson1091 55.8% 1545 ± 75 --
311catdonut1090 52.4% 1519 ± 96 --
312Comment ca va1090 41.3% 1432 ± 85 --
313Dusty poison1090 43.7% 1451 ± 96 --
314Guphy1089 41.3% 1431 ± 89 --
315sadjfkgee1089 49.6% 1497 ± 86 --
316CatboyJds1089 58.0% 1562 ± 79 --
317honeybot1088 45.3% 1464 ± 87 --
318SynthetiChem V.41087 40.1% 1421 ± 99 --
319waterdrinker481087 49.3% 1495 ± 81 --
320bignutta1087 53.3% 1525 ± 93 --
321moxxifoxxi1087 50.2% 1502 ± 97 --
322CAPLT24GG Anchor91085 55.9% 1546 ± 91 --
323TiffaKas1085 43.1% 1446 ± 96 --
324SpyCorgi1084 40.9% 1428 ± 96 --
325Carmelo Ettore1081 44.1% 1454 ± 93 --
326caplt24od uwu1080 63.4% 1607 ± 91 --
327Guancho1079 48.4% 1488 ± 69 --
328aki0s1079 52.6% 1520 ± 89 --
329adderall enjoyer1079 58.8% 1570 ± 99 --
330choicepants71079 55.0% 1539 ± 85 --
331Mellosus1078 49.6% 1497 ± 84 --
332hafred1078 35.1% 1381 ± 91 --
333King Cosmo1078 48.8% 1490 ± 95 --
334evrest1077 49.1% 1493 ± 83 --
335speedysnake1076 45.0% 1461 ± 95 --
336Buttologist1075 48.2% 1486 ± 66 --
337Turtwigswiththrohs1075 49.7% 1498 ± 96 --
338TJSquirtle Ace1075 33.0% 1364 ± 78 --
339True_weedian1074 31.1% 1346 ± 80 --
340Koshka>dlq1074 49.3% 1495 ± 89 --
341leifbryning1073 56.9% 1553 ± 73 --
342Beal_Omega1073 52.4% 1519 ± 67 --
343pastel1291073 46.4% 1472 ± 80 --
344ILikeFezandipiti1069 30.3% 1338 ± 90 --
345bon bon bonjour1066 38.9% 1413 ± 83 --
346Josephester6721066 37.5% 1403 ± 56 --
347amimamisalami1066 52.7% 1521 ± 94 --
348mrsrr1064 35.3% 1383 ± 84 --
349dunstparce1064 47.8% 1483 ± 86 --
350yungjakker1064 47.8% 1483 ± 94 --
351alyia1064 52.6% 1521 ± 100 --
352tylersimone231064 42.2% 1440 ± 79 --
353VIOLAYYTIAN1062 42.9% 1444 ± 96 --
354Turtwig_supremacy21060 41.9% 1436 ± 93 --
355Luczas1060 51.4% 1511 ± 62 --
356N Peru 21058 46.0% 1469 ± 95 --
357local sampler1057 48.0% 1484 ± 95 --
358Pastard1056 36.9% 1396 ± 89 --
359Draziel Euphore1056 41.7% 1435 ± 99 --
360CrimsonBrass1055 45.2% 1462 ± 94 --
361krishaakash1055 29.5% 1334 ± 57 --
362ShieldonMana1053 47.3% 1479 ± 93 --
363Mrfish90001053 51.7% 1513 ± 91 --
364blasphemous hermit1053 46.8% 1475 ± 96 --
365Stonks12341053 46.0% 1469 ± 98 --
366JoshuaCool121052 48.9% 1491 ± 93 --
367opium x1052 42.8% 1443 ± 94 --
368cryozero1052 32.0% 1356 ± 67 --
369OobaHassa1052 39.3% 1415 ± 97 --
370Come get me brah1051 43.5% 1449 ± 77 --
371meskoossss1050 37.8% 1403 ± 97 --
372Zer0Kelvin1050 39.7% 1419 ± 96 --
373jqhn21049 50.9% 1507 ± 97 --
374FurintoShiruba1049 36.9% 1395 ± 99 --
375Mathdragon1049 48.3% 1486 ± 99 --
376Foolish Bailey1048 38.9% 1412 ± 95 --
377Blackmamba24241048 43.6% 1450 ± 98 --
378Arcticzolt is W1047 40.2% 1422 ± 98 --
379snorlaxpog1047 52.5% 1520 ± 100 --
380Lesourapple1047 44.1% 1454 ± 83 --
381Zoroarkboy11046 36.8% 1394 ± 99 --
382UNK Shmeekle1045 38.1% 1407 ± 72 --
383Jack121231041 38.5% 1408 ± 100 --
384minh27391040 31.7% 1352 ± 83 --
385Divele1040 42.2% 1440 ± 50 --
386Leanafr151040 37.5% 1401 ± 86 --
387Coaelis1039 33.6% 1367 ± 89 --
388Kaboomx2111038 26.4% 1305 ± 51 --
389DOGESXD1037 34.8% 1379 ± 85 --
390MoltresMaster71036 33.9% 1370 ± 91 --
391Aspect_Of_Turmoil1034 30.7% 1344 ± 73 --
392Jonsey8131033 42.2% 1439 ± 99 --
393Globalsnail211032 38.9% 1413 ± 75 --
394Anakin Skywhopper1032 37.0% 1399 ± 54 --
395oooooos1031 33.1% 1364 ± 86 --
396TC_King1027 42.7% 1443 ± 84 --
397Im_Not_Awkward1026 48.9% 1492 ± 90 --
398lukeow1025 45.4% 1464 ± 72 --
399KingambitIsCoolNGL1023 22.1% 1256 ± 82 --
400alastortheradioman1023 31.5% 1348 ± 96 --
401dudu2211022 40.6% 1426 ± 98 --
402bumboreal1022 35.5% 1384 ± 94 --
403GreatDevi1022 28.9% 1327 ± 76 --
404Feral AI1021 42.5% 1442 ± 84 --
405will_show1014 29.8% 1333 ± 91 --
406Excoriator1013 46.0% 1469 ± 95 --
407Weavile1201012 36.0% 1388 ± 95 --
408hamstercultofhope1010 34.9% 1379 ± 86 --
409ramuia1010 34.9% 1380 ± 81 --
410sparcelad1008 34.4% 1374 ± 95 --
411Fl Nossea'1006 37.9% 1403 ± 100 --
412Lakaki1003 36.7% 1395 ± 71 --
413vei gar44omp1000 31.7% 1352 ± 77 --
414Imsogudfr1000 25.3% 1289 ± 94 --
415ssamm1111000 30.7% 1341 ± 95 --
416PKMNSWSH1000 30.8% 1342 ± 95 --
417Lomiskull1000 32.9% 1362 ± 86 --
418bouncy fish1000 37.7% 1404 ± 67 --
419Turtles2356781000 30.8% 1344 ± 72 --
420luca58221000 13.9% 1147 ± 83 --
421justyouaveragenoob1000 25.3% 1288 ± 94 --
422pokemonlover291000 18.9% 1216 ± 93 --
423Aethanier1000 46.3% 1471 ± 58 --
424pasta fazoole1000 26.7% 1305 ± 79 --
425A721021000 31.0% 1343 ± 100 --