
1v1 top 500

Name Elo GXE Glicko-1 COIL
1come thou fount1624 78.9% 1750 ± 39 --
2Frostedonut1615 72.6% 1684 ± 42 --
3Playfulpie21584 71.5% 1674 ± 28 --
4LongRat1569 74.4% 1702 ± 42 --
5DUDEPS1565 74.8% 1705 ± 33 --
6fakeaccounttest1559 69.8% 1659 ± 45 --
7SAW ☾ 乂SC1555 76.5% 1722 ± 25 --
8fakeaccountami?1549 67.2% 1635 ± 36 --
9Blazikin1540 66.7% 1631 ± 48 --
10blanched1537 70.0% 1660 ± 38 --
11Loofa Got Scrubbed1535 77.7% 1740 ± 73 --
12dirt tree1532 79.1% 1752 ± 49 --
13dawn dreams1529 68.6% 1648 ± 54 --
14drurywalker1520 75.7% 1718 ± 73 --
15blasphemous hermit1517 68.7% 1649 ± 33 --
16CatboyKry1512 68.9% 1650 ± 38 --
17Tunderboltz4561511 72.1% 1681 ± 59 --
18idknewlol1511 73.1% 1690 ± 59 --
19AAAAAAAAAAA._.Zzz1509 77.3% 1735 ± 66 --
20Iron Crusher ♡1508 71.8% 1679 ± 68 --
21Azahin1507 66.0% 1627 ± 74 --
22bo_bobson271505 75.6% 1715 ± 53 --
23PoisonBomb1504 71.0% 1670 ± 49 --
24sampleton1503 68.1% 1643 ± 26 --
25bradladder1500 71.5% 1679 ± 92 --
26RosaF4N1500 70.6% 1671 ± 97 --
27GIRL PROMETHEUS1500 77.7% 1741 ± 80 --
28cannery row1500 71.1% 1674 ± 80 --
29beautifications1500 72.4% 1688 ± 92 --
301VLTCL Nakoruru1500 68.4% 1651 ± 93 --
31Not Kala's Alt1500 79.9% 1770 ± 100 --
32p0p0p0p0p01500 71.9% 1682 ± 84 --
33goaztecs1500 68.3% 1646 ± 60 --
34googlerboogly1500 64.6% 1616 ± 70 --
35MENN乂KISSING1500 70.5% 1667 ± 67 --
36Zenomium1500 75.5% 1719 ± 95 --
37Elite 1v1 Tilter1500 75.6% 1719 ± 85 --
381heart bo1500 70.5% 1670 ± 90 --
39H O S T E L L1500 76.8% 1731 ± 76 --
40ApxSun ☼MIDSOMMAR☼1500 73.9% 1700 ± 70 --
411heart pineapple1500 70.9% 1674 ± 96 --
42yo hf1500 69.7% 1659 ± 67 --
43zhao❀jinmai1500 63.6% 1609 ± 97 --
44HazeBusters4201500 71.9% 1680 ± 70 --
45raichushiny1500 72.0% 1683 ± 86 --
46neolap1499 68.3% 1648 ± 85 --
47auuuu1499 72.9% 1693 ± 96 --
48Lugia▼▲²JP1499 63.7% 1608 ± 65 --
49fraunkenstein1499 69.7% 1660 ± 66 --
50phantump tax1499 69.6% 1658 ± 65 --
511vCLC 5b gogreen1499 70.6% 1670 ± 87 --
521vmono PoisonBomb1499 68.5% 1647 ± 50 --
53Voice in the fog1499 77.4% 1740 ± 94 --
54TheMaliciousMuffin1499 63.1% 1602 ± 61 --
55lr李蓉zjm1499 71.9% 1683 ± 95 --
56didn't made it yet1499 75.9% 1722 ± 82 --
57Palafinity1499 65.9% 1625 ± 40 --
58DlAMOND1499 75.4% 1718 ± 91 --
59NIGHTSHOTT 乂1499 74.6% 1707 ± 70 --
60snow bruins1499 66.2% 1631 ± 93 --
61MALICIOUSS1499 60.3% 1580 ± 66 --
62Xian2Twa1499 59.1% 1570 ± 57 --
63lql林其乐zjm1499 65.7% 1625 ± 72 --
64dragoniumregidrago1499 68.8% 1653 ± 84 --
65fraun1499 72.7% 1687 ± 56 --
66WeltEmiya1498 73.0% 1692 ± 76 --
67FokusonsoraY1497 61.8% 1591 ± 54 --
68eunchae fan1497 74.9% 1708 ± 57 --
691vclc 5a lemons1495 71.9% 1681 ± 83 --
70Hera1494 75.4% 1714 ± 64 --
71MrPanda4111492 72.7% 1690 ± 83 --
72Zephyr Moonbeam1491 63.6% 1606 ± 63 --
73Orenthal J Pimpson1490 73.3% 1697 ± 93 --
74Chickenpie21488 65.5% 1621 ± 25 --
75LemonLime681488 65.7% 1626 ± 91 --
761heart love21488 72.1% 1686 ± 97 --
77hydreigcula1488 70.8% 1668 ± 50 --
78Naxdealer1488 68.8% 1652 ± 66 --
79SamDaMan281487 66.5% 1631 ± 59 --
80Rarax1486 68.1% 1643 ± 25 --
81Ganesh441485 72.8% 1692 ± 99 --
821vltqg p21483 62.8% 1602 ± 100 --
83LTWOT Peum.1480 68.8% 1655 ± 98 --
84Tepigace1480 60.7% 1584 ± 88 --
85Delsar Vakkius1480 61.6% 1591 ± 66 --
86beyon birthday1478 60.9% 1584 ± 64 --
87randomizer32111476 71.6% 1678 ± 75 --
882soltg Aco21475 68.6% 1647 ± 26 --
891goug wiii81475 73.7% 1700 ± 86 --
90Blackft1473 67.0% 1635 ± 59 --
91umpalumpa1041472 68.6% 1648 ± 49 --
921heart noooooo1471 72.6% 1690 ± 98 --
93Kiry4n1470 63.7% 1608 ± 78 --
941gouguog1469 76.9% 1734 ± 95 --
95kazuha fan1469 68.4% 1647 ± 47 --
96I_know_Your_1468 72.5% 1686 ± 72 --
97hiquehique1468 66.7% 1636 ± 96 --
98come run again1467 71.1% 1673 ± 76 --
991heart UwU11466 73.1% 1696 ± 100 --
100GooglerSpookly1466 71.4% 1675 ± 70 --
101bordeux1465 74.8% 1710 ± 85 --
102Idiotic Ideas1465 69.0% 1656 ± 96 --
103LTWOT OCABAT1464 59.3% 1573 ± 89 --
1041vltqg no1464 67.1% 1639 ± 91 --
105yg殷果zjm1463 57.8% 1562 ± 97 --
106LTWOT CrocsMovie1463 60.4% 1582 ± 89 --
1071-hp bar1463 69.1% 1651 ± 28 --
108i massed up1463 72.0% 1684 ± 87 --
109aketrDT1462 71.0% 1673 ± 78 --
1101gougingspire1461 74.0% 1703 ± 87 --
1111goug Gibbing up1460 76.3% 1728 ± 92 --
112LTWOT pe causa1460 59.9% 1578 ± 90 --
113lmm林妙妙zjm1460 63.4% 1607 ± 98 --
114GEDO RINNE TENSEI1460 62.0% 1593 ± 63 --
1151heart casimir.c1459 72.1% 1685 ± 95 --
116drukensailor1458 62.9% 1600 ± 32 --
117poyotora1458 72.6% 1687 ± 78 --
118Farfetched King1457 61.7% 1591 ± 55 --
119points_nd1457 74.8% 1711 ± 83 --
120Indi011455 65.2% 1619 ± 28 --
121Happysh1455 58.5% 1565 ± 25 --
122LTWOT Platano1455 56.4% 1550 ± 90 --
123keledek1454 61.6% 1589 ± 28 --
124darcoo11454 76.9% 1730 ± 67 --
125JaquavyOntavious1454 66.4% 1631 ± 72 --
1261goug bo1454 75.9% 1724 ± 95 --
127duklit1452 59.6% 1574 ± 70 --
128Tungsten_Hawk1452 72.2% 1683 ± 73 --
129Thdjdkk1452 63.3% 1604 ± 61 --
1301v25 UwU1452 58.5% 1565 ± 33 --
131Usiska1452 70.3% 1666 ± 73 --
132sgpg-cap-test1451 63.7% 1608 ± 65 --
133dobulog ましゆいつもみてる1451 76.0% 1725 ± 94 --
134Dr. Noobert1450 70.8% 1668 ± 58 --
135Aegon Black1450 67.9% 1644 ± 77 --
1361VLTCL Ladderhero1450 68.6% 1652 ± 97 --
137silly1021449 69.1% 1653 ± 45 --
138dfhdghrwjh1449 75.2% 1713 ± 74 --
139kala chasmah1449 71.6% 1675 ± 42 --
140ihup1448 77.2% 1733 ± 64 --
141schamanda1448 62.4% 1598 ± 79 --
142Dragonfire4121447 70.3% 1665 ± 68 --
1431goug emily31447 75.9% 1723 ± 94 --
144galniusagdex1446 72.3% 1683 ± 62 --
145ZoneoutGamer1446 64.8% 1615 ± 35 --
146Amarion_barrett1446 68.4% 1647 ± 57 --
147MxtiiiTuPapa1446 58.5% 1566 ± 60 --
148TRGC UwU1445 67.1% 1636 ± 67 --
1491gouged1445 77.1% 1737 ± 96 --
150horrendousteams1011445 66.8% 1633 ± 44 --
151darkspitter1445 73.3% 1694 ± 67 --
152Kupfy1444 67.5% 1639 ± 37 --
153dischargelesscease1443 69.4% 1657 ± 72 --
154rose_in_white1442 68.8% 1650 ± 47 --
155THE SlMURGH1442 72.2% 1685 ± 82 --
156Tiroir1442 70.1% 1667 ± 99 --
157Giggle Impact1442 70.0% 1663 ± 76 --
158LinuxUser11441 60.9% 1585 ± 74 --
159sty111441 73.3% 1692 ± 55 --
160NaM2001441 67.4% 1638 ± 47 --
161chessguru1011440 66.1% 1631 ± 99 --
162didImassedupagain1439 68.4% 1649 ± 76 --
163Wonter1439 66.7% 1634 ± 85 --
1641vCLC 5c Brain ded1439 65.1% 1621 ± 87 --
1651vCLC 5c Hrid1439 64.2% 1614 ± 91 --
166Eiscue1439 64.8% 1616 ± 55 --
167spily1439 68.4% 1646 ± 35 --
168huh yunjin fan1439 67.5% 1639 ± 55 --
169Marshmelto1439 67.6% 1643 ± 92 --
170Hoan011439 68.5% 1648 ± 57 --
171CKT-TREE1438 57.6% 1558 ± 25 --
172pigs in blanket1438 61.5% 1590 ± 68 --
173itsalotofpressure1438 68.7% 1649 ± 50 --
174Zetious1438 66.5% 1630 ± 42 --
175yanyu1231438 61.4% 1590 ± 91 --
176isatrapp1437 59.3% 1571 ± 33 --
177neomon1437 67.9% 1641 ± 27 --
178Tarah2041437 63.7% 1606 ± 38 --
1791vclc 5a UwU1437 66.5% 1632 ± 79 --
180disenchantedalt1437 64.6% 1615 ± 68 --
181Caceres171436 60.6% 1583 ± 85 --
182The Noob Master 621436 57.7% 1561 ± 96 --
183Elwine1436 68.5% 1648 ± 55 --
184Gods Poison Taster1435 63.5% 1606 ± 64 --
185RECTILINEAR1434 70.7% 1666 ± 27 --
186Jasperoid1434 61.0% 1584 ± 28 --
187businejj1434 66.4% 1630 ± 62 --
188biggerboi691434 66.7% 1632 ± 38 --
1891goug ahagf1434 75.4% 1718 ± 92 --
1901vCLC 5C Requiem1433 64.7% 1617 ± 85 --
191Test-Z271433 59.8% 1576 ± 71 --
192LameName1231433 63.6% 1606 ± 39 --
193Begui101433 63.7% 1606 ± 49 --
194sfewfw31433 63.6% 1607 ± 63 --
1951 GREN salt cure1433 69.1% 1652 ± 44 --
1961goug kaioken1432 71.7% 1680 ± 84 --
197metro gooning1432 68.7% 1654 ± 99 --
198SHONE1432 62.5% 1597 ± 64 --
199crab person1432 65.1% 1618 ± 43 --
200yourgirlgrae1432 71.2% 1675 ± 81 --
201Kala chashmah1432 66.7% 1636 ± 99 --
202ippyo51432 65.4% 1624 ± 92 --
203brendog661432 71.6% 1679 ± 81 --
204LemonLime781431 62.7% 1601 ± 82 --
205cocaine user1431 66.0% 1626 ± 48 --
206rainbow road n641431 65.5% 1623 ± 72 --
207LaDenree1431 64.0% 1609 ± 31 --
208Test2181430 66.5% 1630 ± 35 --
2091gougDreamPrince1430 66.0% 1628 ± 82 --
2101heart bi1430 71.8% 1682 ± 95 --
211Mineworker Lennart1430 66.0% 1627 ± 71 --
212marctechie1429 61.1% 1587 ± 64 --
2131goug greycod1429 76.8% 1733 ± 94 --
214CatgirlEmperor1429 62.2% 1598 ± 99 --
215rtm21429 63.9% 1611 ± 88 --
2161goug +261428 75.4% 1718 ± 91 --
217panana beel1428 70.7% 1670 ± 83 --
218TNTM071427 66.5% 1631 ± 58 --
2191vclc 5c Q1426 73.4% 1697 ± 82 --
220Dhdhsjaj1426 70.7% 1669 ± 72 --
221Schlafenszeit1426 64.7% 1617 ± 83 --
222Catch the sausage!1425 59.3% 1572 ± 78 --
223crashy_Qc1425 61.0% 1587 ± 96 --
224i like u a little1424 63.6% 1608 ± 85 --
225metrocallis1424 68.5% 1651 ± 92 --
226Aaopoako ☆彡1424 71.2% 1673 ± 60 --
227Voyager491424 62.3% 1596 ± 50 --
228The Winged Hussars1424 63.5% 1607 ± 82 --
229Certified Hottie1424 62.2% 1596 ± 77 --
230Chelsea Collins1423 70.9% 1673 ± 85 --
231Elo Bandit1423 70.3% 1667 ± 78 --
232pranjal singh1423 62.0% 1593 ± 47 --
233akaFila1423 71.1% 1674 ± 84 --
234BlitzingRandoms1001423 64.1% 1613 ± 90 --
235auclairdelalune1422 68.0% 1646 ± 83 --
236Murowko1422 62.4% 1596 ± 59 --
237prunyy1422 64.8% 1617 ± 63 --
238KongqiQishi1422 65.1% 1618 ± 41 --
239dhhgdgjc1422 57.9% 1561 ± 56 --
240too broke for that1422 69.8% 1660 ± 63 --
241km0re1422 63.4% 1605 ± 66 --
242Cunk Cunk1421 57.2% 1556 ± 71 --
243wruen1421 64.6% 1617 ± 92 --
244michael2131421 64.3% 1614 ± 89 --
245cawizilla1420 65.5% 1621 ± 28 --
246GlavenusOSTPlayin1420 63.8% 1609 ± 68 --
2471gougMelia1420 74.3% 1707 ± 88 --
248twubram1420 59.2% 1572 ± 76 --
2491heart Fornals1420 72.1% 1686 ± 99 --
2501goug not for me1420 73.6% 1699 ± 91 --
251Wernhe®️1420 53.3% 1526 ± 97 --
252BIG•chuchungus1419 63.1% 1603 ± 72 --
253baba the butt1419 80.3% 1768 ± 65 --
254adv 1v11419 64.8% 1616 ± 53 --
255average tiktokers1419 57.6% 1558 ± 40 --
256delemon1419 69.2% 1655 ± 57 --
257Ischromia1418 60.2% 1579 ± 53 --
2581goug shield1418 73.2% 1694 ± 86 --
259Cryoam1418 68.7% 1653 ± 86 --
260go get some murrr1418 60.8% 1584 ± 70 --
261Fbagzzzz1418 64.3% 1612 ± 56 --
262Oshawattcrab1418 63.5% 1606 ± 67 --
2631VLTNW rng1417 61.1% 1588 ± 99 --
264Onixpected41417 62.7% 1601 ± 92 --
265Hiusi guy1417 69.4% 1655 ± 47 --
266Benny Wells1417 67.5% 1641 ± 73 --
267ketupat1416 65.9% 1625 ± 56 --
268Havestol1416 60.9% 1585 ± 67 --
269noob18771416 62.3% 1597 ± 77 --
270God evening1416 64.1% 1609 ± 27 --
271SClSSORS1415 66.6% 1635 ± 96 --
272vjkhbk1415 66.2% 1628 ± 63 --
273fdhfgh1415 67.1% 1636 ± 63 --
274ThePhantomOfHope1415 58.5% 1566 ± 61 --
2751vltnw togekiss1415 63.1% 1605 ± 96 --
276Sinnoh Souls1415 61.9% 1594 ± 94 --
277syanicalsosetest1415 60.8% 1585 ± 87 --
2781vltqg Spence1414 64.0% 1610 ± 65 --
279sentient croissant1414 62.1% 1593 ± 51 --
280Kai New Age1413 58.4% 1565 ± 68 --
281BIG•chychy1413 58.8% 1569 ± 76 --
282BHLTgar Violin1413 66.9% 1635 ± 72 --
283that one moment1413 61.9% 1592 ± 59 --
284i like u very much1413 67.1% 1638 ± 84 --
285Zaha111413 68.9% 1654 ± 86 --
286Gen 1 Beginner1413 59.7% 1576 ± 65 --
287BIG•chacha1413 54.6% 1535 ± 78 --
288JustAnotherChosen11413 64.4% 1613 ± 60 --
2891HEART COOK1413 73.8% 1702 ± 99 --
290Canes Box Combo1413 62.5% 1599 ± 93 --
291sleepyseph1413 66.5% 1635 ± 99 --
292Kazzican1412 58.9% 1569 ± 66 --
2931gougingfir1412 73.7% 1700 ± 85 --
2941v25 Aco21412 53.8% 1529 ± 30 --
295TrainerPla1412 64.8% 1616 ± 55 --
296Fhjfdjsi1412 70.8% 1670 ± 69 --
297jigglyjangly1412 65.1% 1618 ± 53 --
2981gougfr081411 76.3% 1727 ± 94 --
299Biggbird1411 59.9% 1577 ± 73 --
300ethes1411 65.8% 1625 ± 63 --
301BIG•choochoo1411 58.0% 1562 ± 81 --
302dublehoody1410 65.7% 1626 ± 78 --
303Hkxhpdrup1410 64.3% 1613 ± 62 --
304TotallyABotter1410 66.5% 1629 ± 41 --
305LiberaMeDomine1410 61.2% 1586 ± 48 --
306Sydney Sweeney's1410 71.6% 1679 ± 87 --
307CHU uses AI1410 60.2% 1578 ± 50 --
308BIG•shushu1410 55.9% 1546 ± 83 --
309slaslasla1410 63.3% 1603 ± 46 --
310dccreep1409 67.6% 1641 ± 64 --
311desolate matriarch1409 73.8% 1700 ± 78 --
312BigChuchu1409 59.3% 1573 ± 81 --
313hide your chickens1409 55.4% 1541 ± 44 --
314NLKN20091409 62.4% 1597 ± 69 --
315wwrtwtw4t1409 72.2% 1683 ± 72 --
316varicosine1408 65.6% 1623 ± 54 --
317balenci on my feet1408 61.8% 1591 ± 41 --
3181VLTQG Shivam_Z1408 61.9% 1595 ± 98 --
319casual farts1408 64.0% 1612 ± 87 --
320BIG•chocho1408 60.0% 1577 ± 46 --
321Uztiop1408 72.4% 1687 ± 82 --
322artiox1407 59.7% 1575 ± 62 --
323RegieIeki1407 60.7% 1584 ± 82 --
324perishtrapp1407 60.6% 1584 ± 98 --
325Cdsisj j1407 61.5% 1590 ± 66 --
326practice games LOL1407 60.9% 1585 ± 60 --
327Tibidi Skoilet1407 53.2% 1525 ± 81 --
328revolugwaitingroom1406 71.3% 1674 ± 61 --
329GXE Goon1406 66.5% 1631 ± 70 --
330little•CHUCHU1406 56.0% 1547 ± 81 --
3311goug girlballs 21406 74.5% 1708 ± 90 --
332Nebuton1405 61.5% 1589 ± 65 --
333GlaciaISpeed1405 62.5% 1599 ± 75 --
334i like mienshao1405 61.1% 1585 ± 50 --
335Sue7ekwms1405 64.8% 1617 ± 67 --
336Aco2PlaysShowdown1405 69.6% 1656 ± 27 --
337Y694201405 56.0% 1547 ± 90 --
338ME20221405 56.0% 1547 ± 81 --
339Monk Mentality1405 65.6% 1623 ± 59 --
340Jeong1405 61.3% 1589 ± 85 --
341and robina1405 64.9% 1620 ± 92 --
342randomisedbot1404 59.9% 1579 ± 99 --
343upside ~ umop1404 69.8% 1658 ± 33 --
344iCanBecomeStronger1404 58.4% 1566 ± 95 --
3451vmono agua1403 57.0% 1554 ± 46 --
346best liliou1403 72.6% 1686 ± 62 --
3471vmono sussy bird1403 68.4% 1650 ± 86 --
348156fgju156ghj1403 65.0% 1618 ± 57 --
3491vCLC 5B Fyura1403 60.6% 1583 ± 87 --
350platinumsq1403 64.7% 1616 ± 57 --
351em yuh1403 74.2% 1704 ± 83 --
352Bigmac20481403 67.8% 1645 ± 92 --
353trahex1402 66.1% 1627 ± 57 --
354Neonkyojin1402 58.0% 1562 ± 61 --
355AFlambe1402 70.5% 1670 ± 99 --
356Valteyek1402 64.2% 1610 ± 39 --
357Itcufxurx1402 61.7% 1591 ± 58 --
358brittanyb1tc1401 67.2% 1638 ± 73 --
3591vmono dragons1401 65.5% 1622 ± 57 --
360dmoney211401 57.7% 1560 ± 63 --
361NotFaizen1401 62.7% 1601 ± 90 --
3621goug incredible1401 76.7% 1733 ± 96 --
3631000 Teams Ebon1400 58.6% 1566 ± 61 --
364alakazamnzamn1400 68.2% 1646 ± 60 --
365Istopaz1400 61.0% 1586 ± 85 --
366Go greeninja1400 66.1% 1627 ± 52 --
367VoidShot1400 65.9% 1628 ± 93 --
368sakura fan1400 68.3% 1645 ± 28 --
369Speqtor2381400 64.0% 1609 ± 34 --
3701vCLC 5b Brain ded1399 68.7% 1653 ± 94 --
371ihavebestsandteam1399 65.4% 1623 ± 73 --
372ZBJ_Alt1399 52.9% 1522 ± 80 --
373Jiuhhj1399 74.9% 1710 ± 76 --
374ReturnOfMocho1399 65.3% 1620 ± 51 --
375Umbaa1399 66.7% 1632 ± 33 --
376hjbhjbhjbhj1399 63.9% 1610 ± 76 --
377Smokin On Ur Top 51399 63.1% 1604 ± 85 --
378Kinak1398 67.3% 1640 ± 90 --
379ReLaxn1398 64.9% 1617 ± 48 --
3801GOUG AMOR1398 74.7% 1710 ± 90 --
381Totokie1397 54.2% 1532 ± 50 --
382ThuileCup1397 63.1% 1601 ± 44 --
383MARTYYRS 乂1397 69.8% 1658 ± 35 --
384up · dn1397 71.4% 1675 ± 60 --
385raarax1396 67.8% 1641 ± 37 --
386aiyalexei1395 60.7% 1583 ± 71 --
387april91395 77.9% 1743 ± 78 --
388Billion Teams Ebon1395 69.0% 1653 ± 72 --
389RNG161394 69.4% 1657 ± 73 --
390Murm1394 67.6% 1639 ± 39 --
391Aaronboyer1394 65.6% 1623 ± 54 --
392Jelliebestcat ^~^1393 61.0% 1586 ± 87 --
393Chkxlhu1393 69.9% 1662 ± 70 --
394RUTU cyn1393 62.3% 1596 ± 72 --
395shwti plz1393 59.5% 1575 ± 84 --
396Bardo Brando1393 63.4% 1604 ± 46 --
3971goug uwu761393 73.4% 1698 ± 90 --
398LoriaOfKant1393 64.4% 1613 ± 56 --
399unable to sleep1392 62.3% 1597 ± 82 --
400bobulency1392 70.0% 1663 ± 71 --
401SNegi031392 67.2% 1638 ± 79 --
402Master2721391 60.6% 1582 ± 57 --
403rockmanmegaworld1391 62.9% 1600 ± 28 --
404beelaerts blokland1391 65.4% 1624 ± 100 --
405SableNight1391 58.8% 1568 ± 57 --
406probrn1391 61.0% 1587 ± 85 --
407gorilaa1390 64.0% 1610 ± 55 --
408ygo2331390 62.1% 1595 ± 63 --
409welco's loner1390 70.4% 1666 ± 62 --
410martoclovis1390 63.9% 1612 ± 98 --
411hmmmmtoxic1390 64.5% 1615 ± 70 --
412Ai_battle_test31389 63.9% 1609 ± 61 --
413Jebx71389 62.8% 1599 ± 34 --
414n0dl1389 70.0% 1663 ± 73 --
415srysu1389 66.3% 1632 ± 96 --
4161VLTNW Porygon 21389 58.8% 1570 ± 99 --
417Cono de la Correze1389 66.1% 1630 ± 93 --
418Deyvsson30001388 61.0% 1585 ± 57 --
4191VLTQG Z1388 58.7% 1568 ± 89 --
420ToxicMini1387 69.2% 1656 ± 73 --
421nujaebs1387 64.2% 1611 ± 66 --
422probablysupernova21386 67.1% 1635 ± 50 --
423Serene Arise1386 69.7% 1662 ± 95 --
424PsychicHypno1386 49.4% 1496 ± 82 --
425Zenchaos1386 63.2% 1602 ± 28 --
426EXPD251386 63.1% 1602 ± 48 --
427Seashore Deluxe1386 66.7% 1634 ± 83 --
428wjm41386 66.4% 1630 ± 58 --
429Anonymous16341386 63.3% 1603 ± 25 --
430sgpg-test1385 58.5% 1567 ± 95 --
431Sprygen1385 65.1% 1619 ± 62 --
432Ome23ga1385 63.4% 1604 ± 46 --
433Im a literal noob1385 56.6% 1552 ± 95 --
434Sunym1385 69.6% 1659 ± 65 --
4351VLTQG Aco21384 60.0% 1577 ± 52 --
436darkestlaureateyup1384 58.9% 1570 ± 74 --
437Hot Shrek1384 70.3% 1665 ± 73 --
4381goug sui1384 75.1% 1715 ± 94 --
439googlertest1384 62.6% 1599 ± 80 --
4401vNFE CatGirl1383 57.2% 1555 ± 55 --
441thedarksoull1383 60.7% 1583 ± 60 --
442d674571383 66.2% 1629 ± 74 --
443badger31382 63.9% 1612 ± 94 --
444TestyBestyGuy1382 65.6% 1624 ± 76 --
445JoKer28Kr281382 67.0% 1637 ± 88 --
446LTWOT CHUI1382 57.1% 1555 ± 89 --
447UwU1v11381 66.6% 1630 ± 25 --
448water poisoning1381 68.8% 1651 ± 62 --
449maskedpoem445721381 66.6% 1633 ± 83 --
4501goug neomon61381 70.3% 1668 ± 92 --
451European Rat1381 67.3% 1636 ± 40 --
452L0WN1N31381 70.7% 1670 ± 78 --
453Bootyhaggler1380 59.9% 1578 ± 91 --
454Xiantwa1380 65.1% 1618 ± 35 --
455AmoghOp(1380 65.4% 1621 ± 60 --
456Zz Darkk zZ1380 64.5% 1616 ± 86 --
457i fixed it up1380 66.0% 1628 ± 86 --
458Trevelion1380 63.0% 1602 ± 66 --
459lilfish771379 50.0% 1500 ± 39 --
460Despacito871379 62.0% 1596 ± 100 --
4611vnfe CHU1379 56.3% 1549 ± 91 --
462Nador123!1379 63.1% 1602 ± 61 --
463Kym01378 63.5% 1606 ± 74 --
464Atreeus1378 63.5% 1606 ± 63 --
465Dashmaton1378 64.8% 1618 ± 78 --
466misti112341378 62.8% 1602 ± 98 --
4671goug mappa1378 65.0% 1620 ± 86 --
468Kroevitz1378 62.6% 1598 ± 49 --
469Pencilking681378 61.0% 1586 ± 84 --
470Labba1377 64.7% 1617 ± 81 --
471testlol091377 65.3% 1622 ± 82 --
472hrwiojijfa1377 69.2% 1658 ± 92 --
473Yveltaler11377 59.6% 1573 ± 26 --
474MUDAJINIJr1377 70.0% 1663 ± 73 --
475tauros merchant1377 65.4% 1624 ± 93 --
476Claamp1377 65.2% 1622 ± 83 --
477with my girls1377 64.3% 1614 ± 94 --
478vtthroi1376 64.1% 1611 ± 68 --
479ollierob11376 68.3% 1647 ± 74 --
480Divine Disaster II1376 65.3% 1621 ± 67 --
481Case 531376 64.2% 1613 ± 78 --
482Nanokookeyy1376 68.0% 1644 ± 68 --
483ultr 1v11376 65.7% 1624 ± 55 --
484unfarmed fields1376 65.8% 1624 ± 53 --
485uopt431376 58.7% 1567 ± 65 --
486zaofu1376 66.4% 1633 ± 98 --
487gsgsdfg1375 62.3% 1596 ± 65 --
488wynaut have fun?1375 63.9% 1611 ± 96 --
489hehemohaha1375 66.4% 1629 ± 55 --
490IridescentRz.1375 62.4% 1598 ± 78 --
491RetroCity31375 57.6% 1559 ± 53 --
492MK291374 65.6% 1625 ± 79 --
4931goug straightened1374 77.3% 1739 ± 97 --
494boss babay1374 63.1% 1604 ± 78 --
495Gghjvvhg1374 65.8% 1625 ± 65 --
496Ebon Stray Cat1374 62.1% 1595 ± 79 --
497Selene Amaris1374 65.3% 1623 ± 95 --
498OU Ladder Rizzler1373 67.2% 1641 ± 99 --
499hgpl phantump tax1373 73.4% 1693 ± 56 --
500Fuutues123451373 63.0% 1604 ± 97 --