
Little Cup top 500

Name Elo GXE Glicko-1 COIL
1trulyswaglessbruh1620 91.8% 1964 ± 70 --
2Envy1616 91.2% 1947 ± 61 --
3LeJames Chonk1596 83.9% 1811 ± 29 --
4theNamelesNick1593 85.9% 1843 ± 50 --
5cavallo puzzolente1579 87.5% 1872 ± 60 --
6Average LC Enjoyer1572 86.5% 1852 ± 34 --
7RESCENE1557 84.4% 1823 ± 62 --
8GREATEST SENJU1540 87.0% 1864 ± 69 --
9shakyboi1538 81.9% 1786 ± 45 --
10abmor1537 83.7% 1811 ± 58 --
11winter$torm1536 85.3% 1832 ± 38 --
12PALAFIN EX1534 80.2% 1767 ± 53 --
13sean su1534 83.7% 1811 ± 46 --
14TheKidFromBrooklyn1529 89.9% 1928 ± 96 --
15Wssi1515 84.8% 1826 ± 50 --
16echo7x1515 78.8% 1748 ± 44 --
17babyboyblues1513 82.8% 1800 ± 67 --
18Lc Alt Acount1509 84.0% 1814 ± 35 --
19Baconater5401506 86.7% 1859 ± 71 --
20kisx1506 88.9% 1900 ± 73 --
21ottices1505 74.4% 1702 ± 46 --
22Learis1503 88.9% 1903 ± 82 --
23F i l l e1503 84.3% 1822 ± 67 --
24Pecovic1500 86.0% 1854 ± 93 --
25LCT24K Seraph1500 71.5% 1678 ± 81 --
26volcaronavgc1500 82.7% 1799 ± 63 --
27Zeroouttathere1500 80.7% 1776 ± 83 --
28TheDudeBlake1500 78.6% 1753 ± 90 --
29Seraphz1500 82.6% 1796 ± 55 --
30Igd1500 82.7% 1800 ± 65 --
31LCT24K Nanch1500 79.4% 1762 ± 89 --
32GavilarKholin1500 83.5% 1813 ± 81 --
33LCT24K Me1500 83.7% 1816 ± 83 --
34SUN Tarzan1500 78.8% 1751 ± 61 --
35ShouDui3盗盗1500 83.3% 1809 ± 70 --
36lct24k Kip1500 76.8% 1732 ± 84 --
37snapplecapfacts1500 78.5% 1750 ± 78 --
38Gibbonfan991500 79.3% 1760 ± 83 --
39zerointoyou1500 80.9% 1780 ± 90 --
40LCT24K Loki1500 73.8% 1700 ± 81 --
41Pitbull vs. Infant1500 83.1% 1807 ± 74 --
42Retro Gibbon1499 82.5% 1799 ± 79 --
43Denounce Rufflets1499 77.9% 1743 ± 75 --
44abowlofvegies1499 77.7% 1743 ± 94 --
45Haxball Main1499 86.4% 1861 ± 97 --
46Apt and awake1499 78.8% 1755 ± 89 --
47ohohohohojo1499 77.0% 1731 ± 62 --
48weshbien1499 85.8% 1852 ± 99 --
49Jean Dawson1499 90.3% 1930 ± 81 --
50blizzardstrogonoff1499 86.2% 1857 ± 98 --
51The Shart1499 85.9% 1852 ± 93 --
52Bald Shieldon1499 84.5% 1829 ± 91 --
53Rufflet Be Praised1499 75.3% 1718 ± 98 --
54RedLightSign1499 86.4% 1858 ± 85 --
55Kaboom641499 84.7% 1834 ± 96 --
56Snekogamer041499 78.2% 1750 ± 99 --
57Speed World1499 85.8% 1848 ± 85 --
58LCT24K Alea1499 81.2% 1785 ± 93 --
59Purple Kiss1497 85.1% 1841 ± 98 --
60carolml1495 81.9% 1790 ± 76 --
61Everyone Bald1494 85.0% 1834 ± 74 --
62Axelsior1493 80.1% 1766 ± 63 --
63LCT24K exi1493 73.6% 1698 ± 80 --
64APPLC Puchaina1492 77.8% 1741 ± 74 --
65CMDoge1491 80.7% 1777 ± 84 --
66vooper1490 83.0% 1801 ± 50 --
67gigagogigago1489 83.3% 1805 ± 53 --
68cormacroad1488 82.7% 1797 ± 55 --
69chinchou fan 8081488 84.5% 1824 ± 62 --
70hawk tuh1487 83.7% 1819 ± 94 --
71Research-Gibbon1486 78.5% 1748 ± 70 --
72Chococroc1485 80.5% 1773 ± 76 --
73koopa0031485 78.9% 1750 ± 46 --
74LCT24K Steco1485 76.0% 1723 ± 82 --
75terrable game1485 81.3% 1782 ± 69 --
76fentfridays1484 83.8% 1817 ± 75 --
77applc breakdown1483 83.7% 1819 ± 90 --
78Mister Magnus1483 82.3% 1799 ± 90 --
79SAND HYPE1482 79.1% 1758 ± 86 --
80Deep Accursed1482 79.1% 1752 ± 51 --
81KSG1479 85.5% 1846 ± 90 --
82LCT24K reg1479 84.4% 1830 ± 95 --
83LCT24k Ace1479 82.6% 1804 ± 96 --
84LCT24K glowbro1478 70.4% 1667 ± 77 --
85kintamaMaruZero1477 86.4% 1861 ± 97 --
86DaiDaiwo♫1477 77.8% 1737 ± 37 --
87EQ Envy11477 83.6% 1816 ± 85 --
88LCT24ZQ exp1476 75.6% 1719 ± 88 --
89LCT24K Quinn1475 81.0% 1782 ± 90 --
90westSasori1474 84.9% 1830 ± 67 --
91Greedy_eb1474 85.2% 1838 ± 77 --
92thimothee chalamet1474 81.3% 1785 ± 88 --
93LCT24K Greedy_eb1474 79.0% 1757 ± 86 --
94LCT24ZQ Eniigma1473 76.5% 1728 ± 81 --
95LCT24K Carol1472 72.3% 1686 ± 85 --
96color dandelion1472 81.4% 1787 ± 87 --
97supersoaker641471 78.2% 1750 ± 95 --
98Stelian1470 78.3% 1749 ± 90 --
99LCT24ZQ Chieng1470 80.8% 1778 ± 87 --
100iLiseq1470 77.6% 1737 ± 54 --
101throwthatboi1470 72.2% 1685 ± 87 --
102starsama1468 84.2% 1822 ± 78 --
103acehunterxhunter1467 77.0% 1736 ± 95 --
104Hacker1467 80.0% 1771 ± 96 --
105Tobiaszek1463 78.0% 1741 ± 57 --
106LCT24ZQ Nova1462 69.3% 1657 ± 81 --
107LCT24ZQ Cooper1461 77.1% 1735 ± 87 --
108PanSearedScrotum1460 81.6% 1787 ± 74 --
109Dr Eneas1459 83.5% 1815 ± 90 --
110aishitek❤1459 79.4% 1755 ± 40 --
111LCT24Z Quagsire1458 77.3% 1738 ± 88 --
112Eniigma1458 81.7% 1782 ± 26 --
113LCT24ZQ Elf1456 75.4% 1717 ± 84 --
114LCT24K ottices1456 72.2% 1685 ± 86 --
115Heliozentrism1454 81.9% 1790 ± 73 --
116IALWAYSBELUCKY1454 74.8% 1707 ± 56 --
117nandomo1453 77.0% 1731 ± 63 --
118LCT24ZQ THEEFIRST1452 72.8% 1691 ± 84 --
119SmogonSinglesNearU1451 80.0% 1768 ± 85 --
120pesky pikachu!1451 83.1% 1809 ± 88 --
121crayoneater1231451 81.4% 1779 ± 41 --
122fate1x1451 76.7% 1726 ± 51 --
123down it1450 76.9% 1728 ± 43 --
124mcguffins1450 79.9% 1765 ± 71 --
125dirtbowl691449 67.9% 1643 ± 63 --
126APPLC KO1449 84.7% 1834 ± 94 --
127Dausa1449 79.2% 1757 ± 75 --
128Pose 281448 81.7% 1787 ± 70 --
129VullabyBrokenInLc1448 75.6% 1715 ± 57 --
130Ancient Stone Kami1448 66.9% 1634 ± 52 --
131LCT24K Sasori1447 80.9% 1781 ± 89 --
132LC noob tier1447 80.1% 1769 ± 80 --
133LCT24K Georgie9991446 76.6% 1730 ± 86 --
134LCT24ZQ shreyashhy1446 69.6% 1660 ± 78 --
135The Commune1446 77.7% 1742 ± 84 --
1363cag1444 84.6% 1832 ± 96 --
137polar flower1444 84.3% 1822 ± 68 --
138APPLC fruit1444 79.2% 1759 ± 86 --
139colorednaem1441 81.4% 1782 ± 59 --
140LCT24ZQ Nineveh1441 74.6% 1709 ± 86 --
141pubert4451441 77.2% 1735 ± 77 --
142LCT24ZQ qdh1440 75.0% 1712 ± 84 --
143Denounce Rowlets1439 76.9% 1734 ± 92 --
144LCT24ZQ Gasyflour1439 70.7% 1670 ± 78 --
145APPLC Colin1438 80.3% 1772 ± 88 --
146LCT24K Elf1438 78.6% 1752 ± 85 --
147LCT24ZQ RD1438 73.0% 1692 ± 81 --
148LCT24ZQ JuanSG1438 76.7% 1732 ± 91 --
149LemonLC1437 74.4% 1708 ± 90 --
150APPLC Ban Mienfoo1437 80.9% 1781 ± 91 --
151SailorMoan1437 76.9% 1733 ± 86 --
152LCT24ZQ bleahey1437 73.4% 1696 ± 86 --
153APPLC Terra1436 79.4% 1762 ± 88 --
154Rising Vol1435 75.6% 1714 ± 45 --
155nenewt1435 77.7% 1744 ± 99 --
156applc disconnect1435 81.7% 1791 ± 92 --
157Moby Dick Fan1435 79.3% 1754 ± 48 --
158OPFoo1434 73.1% 1693 ± 80 --
159rarre1434 82.7% 1798 ± 60 --
160fight3r mn1433 69.0% 1654 ± 82 --
161Impossible Task1433 77.1% 1734 ± 78 --
162LCT24ZQ Zc1432 71.6% 1679 ± 79 --
163LCT24ZQ B1430 80.2% 1772 ± 90 --
164LCT24K nv1430 76.7% 1731 ± 84 --
165LCT24ZQ Croc1430 78.0% 1746 ± 93 --
166APPLC JackG1429 77.7% 1741 ± 82 --
167yEnvy11429 79.9% 1764 ± 64 --
168Universes1428 78.2% 1745 ± 68 --
169APPLC Dreams1428 81.2% 1784 ± 90 --
170sertraline_rich1428 77.0% 1731 ± 65 --
171blacklusterdragon1427 76.2% 1722 ± 62 --
172APPLC ksab1427 82.0% 1795 ± 91 --
173APPLC Mango1425 80.2% 1771 ± 88 --
174sapingonautico1425 80.3% 1772 ± 86 --
175applc ban tera1425 77.7% 1742 ± 81 --
176Armo DL1424 77.8% 1738 ± 46 --
177Marshadow1424 76.0% 1726 ± 99 --
178bamboo sword1423 76.1% 1720 ± 55 --
179APPLC a day1423 80.4% 1774 ± 87 --
180applc party girl1422 81.2% 1785 ± 92 --
181StupidFlou_1422 77.0% 1735 ± 90 --
182Stratemon1422 71.8% 1679 ± 70 --
183Heroin Dealer1421 79.3% 1761 ± 89 --
184PepitoTek541419 81.8% 1791 ± 86 --
185ohohohohojotest21419 75.7% 1719 ± 80 --
186applc bamboo1419 80.8% 1779 ± 90 --
187Arcanine Numbers1418 79.6% 1759 ± 51 --
188lc youtube channel1417 74.8% 1713 ± 95 --
189APPLC door money1416 82.1% 1796 ± 92 --
190kowasabii241414 78.0% 1746 ± 90 --
191Elfuseon1414 82.4% 1794 ± 61 --
192Lukas 7681414 77.8% 1737 ± 33 --
193Half0dds1414 72.4% 1685 ± 62 --
194Through The Ages1413 79.6% 1765 ± 96 --
195horoark real1412 64.9% 1619 ± 75 --
196applc fulgur1412 77.9% 1743 ± 81 --
197BACEN1411 75.3% 1715 ± 83 --
198enCuarentena1411 77.7% 1741 ± 83 --
199Taiils_x1409 73.3% 1690 ± 26 --
200alexej pokusevski1408 83.8% 1816 ± 77 --
201SHONE1408 74.3% 1705 ± 86 --
202Kowasabii1408 75.6% 1719 ± 83 --
203Zuko from Fortnite1407 76.4% 1726 ± 69 --
204inloveandhastezero1407 76.2% 1727 ± 94 --
205Oriental Despotism1407 76.1% 1721 ± 65 --
206Biggerboi691407 70.7% 1668 ± 62 --
207Number26th1406 75.5% 1719 ± 88 --
208Extreme Condition1406 70.1% 1660 ± 28 --
209Edward Gibbon1406 77.1% 1729 ± 27 --
210SUPEREPICTEAMO1405 79.5% 1765 ± 93 --
211tinier cup1405 79.3% 1756 ± 55 --
212JonScheiner1404 81.4% 1778 ± 33 --
213reggggy1404 78.2% 1746 ± 82 --
214CascodeBalo1404 65.6% 1624 ± 71 --
215XxDarkSasukexX31403 81.8% 1791 ± 83 --
216Mysterious194211403 78.6% 1749 ± 63 --
217APPLC Mad Chef1402 79.0% 1757 ± 85 --
218MeowthSpam1401 75.4% 1713 ± 59 --
219tazz1401 83.7% 1820 ± 94 --
220OffenseMienfoo1400 79.4% 1759 ± 72 --
221gimmighoulpilled1400 75.2% 1717 ± 99 --
222LCT24K Eniigma1400 78.8% 1754 ± 80 --
2239mm sounding rod1399 75.9% 1719 ± 66 --
224HSBT1399 75.9% 1717 ± 40 --
225Samphire1399 69.7% 1659 ± 53 --
226applcable1398 79.7% 1765 ± 88 --
227emptydojo1397 74.7% 1706 ± 56 --
228APPLC glup shitto1397 78.6% 1752 ± 85 --
229XxDarkJeanRaoulxX1396 76.7% 1734 ± 99 --
230Buxus Barney1396 64.8% 1620 ± 98 --
231Fearther1396 80.7% 1772 ± 56 --
232LCT24K JuanSG1396 78.9% 1758 ± 97 --
233Princesa Serenity1395 81.6% 1791 ± 99 --
234brutus23421394 72.0% 1681 ± 66 --
235Yoshigamer331394 79.2% 1760 ± 91 --
236haneei1394 79.6% 1761 ± 75 --
237Xzeroxman1394 73.3% 1694 ± 73 --
238Icanplaycolin21394 79.8% 1768 ± 94 --
239youngsterjoina1394 75.4% 1715 ± 72 --
240JohnnyIsKing1393 70.3% 1669 ± 100 --
241zastra1393 80.6% 1774 ± 78 --
242Nakoruru_XD1392 75.1% 1709 ± 35 --
243etubirt1391 71.1% 1672 ± 63 --
244EQ Envy1391 74.0% 1702 ± 83 --
245eq andre1390 83.3% 1811 ± 86 --
246CTPS Assinada1389 73.9% 1703 ± 97 --
247LCT24K shreyashhy1389 74.9% 1711 ± 80 --
248John12401388 72.9% 1688 ± 51 --
249bloccked1388 72.4% 1688 ± 96 --
250altarielvonsweep1388 76.7% 1728 ± 67 --
251sertraline_rich21388 75.3% 1715 ± 81 --
252Turbo Kermit1388 75.2% 1714 ± 83 --
253Loganzg1387 74.9% 1709 ± 60 --
254Origin Vortex!1386 76.8% 1728 ± 62 --
255gigapichu1386 72.7% 1685 ± 42 --
256RoFnA1386 85.4% 1846 ± 100 --
257Oscarx901386 75.3% 1715 ± 80 --
258applc ASP1385 77.7% 1742 ± 83 --
259zacian = cringe1385 76.4% 1729 ± 91 --
260fan o lc1384 70.9% 1670 ± 54 --
261Dugtrio Is Broken1383 78.8% 1748 ± 37 --
262ohohohohojotesting1383 75.1% 1711 ± 61 --
263Bottom500Player1383 77.0% 1729 ± 46 --
264ShouDui盗盗1383 74.2% 1701 ± 56 --
265Winter's Horrorua1383 70.9% 1672 ± 80 --
266Novax_Og1383 77.4% 1736 ± 67 --
267Fernanch1382 73.7% 1698 ± 69 --
268Suwa_yriafelc1382 80.2% 1766 ± 56 --
269LCT24K Nashice1381 77.2% 1738 ± 95 --
270La.Sugar1381 77.8% 1742 ± 79 --
271Yoyoitspablo1381 68.8% 1653 ± 83 --
272Mkns10701381 70.3% 1667 ± 86 --
273One Wingull Angel1380 78.7% 1755 ± 93 --
274bcp9201380 73.8% 1697 ± 54 --
275APPLC nh1380 82.4% 1800 ± 93 --
276Biscotto al burro1379 72.1% 1685 ± 91 --
277Mik3ymon1378 78.9% 1750 ± 47 --
278lct24k tea1378 73.1% 1694 ± 88 --
279strezah1377 78.6% 1754 ± 100 --
280Azertrees Account1377 77.0% 1736 ± 100 --
281LCT24 Killer1375 74.3% 1706 ± 85 --
282Akeras1375 74.8% 1710 ± 77 --
283oneonetwoo1375 75.6% 1718 ± 79 --
284NoKangarooInVienna1374 80.1% 1770 ± 88 --
285yellowfin1374 69.1% 1657 ± 96 --
286Lady Little Cup1374 74.6% 1709 ± 87 --
287Cmcclelland0821374 71.4% 1675 ± 65 --
288LCT24ZQ91373 76.3% 1727 ± 91 --
289Lemongrass 131372 74.4% 1706 ± 84 --
290Charity Elo1372 73.6% 1695 ± 61 --
291StunkyBroken1372 79.2% 1756 ± 70 --
292loobobob1371 72.0% 1681 ± 65 --
293still too lukewarm1371 74.2% 1701 ± 53 --
294Mirage Gog1371 78.6% 1750 ± 71 --
295teamogerpon1371 80.4% 1767 ± 39 --
296Termnal1370 69.9% 1661 ± 57 --
297APPLC Gasyflour1370 75.0% 1711 ± 77 --
298DarkQuiler1370 75.3% 1718 ± 94 --
299damo9991370 71.0% 1671 ± 61 --
300APPLC GEOMANCY1369 78.9% 1755 ± 86 --
301Lady Bloop1368 73.9% 1697 ± 46 --
302Acehunter11368 77.9% 1739 ± 49 --
303Meminger211367 74.1% 1703 ± 83 --
304al-my691365 74.1% 1704 ± 86 --
305Order a plot twist1365 74.5% 1708 ± 87 --
306charcadet crew1364 78.6% 1749 ± 64 --
307XiaoXiPin1363 75.4% 1717 ± 81 --
3085admin silence1363 69.8% 1659 ± 44 --
309Voyager491363 64.6% 1615 ± 52 --
310NoibatShang1361 74.0% 1703 ± 87 --
311Rainbowcheese1361 73.7% 1702 ± 99 --
312Foreyss1361 74.1% 1705 ± 96 --
313Exi00221360 77.1% 1737 ± 100 --
314fvdbcvgb1360 83.9% 1820 ± 84 --
315mienfoo vascaino1360 74.5% 1706 ± 75 --
316LCT24ZQ Ego Beast1360 78.5% 1752 ± 91 --
317lzaaaaa1360 82.3% 1798 ± 87 --
318deoxy47111359 75.3% 1714 ± 75 --
319LCLT elo requester1359 76.4% 1728 ± 89 --
320iihow1359 82.2% 1799 ± 100 --
321mudafaka1359 71.2% 1675 ± 89 --
322theironpikachu1359 73.1% 1690 ± 59 --
323LCT24ZQ RL1358 75.0% 1715 ± 98 --
324Aacro1358 70.7% 1671 ± 85 --
325LuckyRyu1357 75.9% 1718 ± 54 --
326LCT24K qdh1357 73.7% 1701 ± 94 --
327TheColorOff1356 73.2% 1697 ± 97 --
328callmedeodeo1356 74.3% 1705 ± 83 --
329seu d'urgell1356 78.5% 1754 ± 100 --
330adsadc91356 69.1% 1654 ± 61 --
331xSaintOmicron1355 68.6% 1649 ± 62 --
332discoplaygames1355 72.5% 1685 ± 56 --
333fearlessgod1354 79.3% 1760 ± 90 --
334hot lizard dads1354 76.1% 1725 ± 87 --
335crownny1354 74.1% 1704 ± 90 --
336MrGinT1353 62.8% 1599 ± 47 --
337Sike ForesT1353 70.6% 1668 ± 62 --
338DancingFree1353 75.3% 1718 ± 96 --
339StaticReset1352 79.9% 1767 ± 83 --
340YinTurtle1351 73.2% 1693 ± 78 --
341Zetious1351 63.4% 1606 ± 81 --
342Jkray1350 65.9% 1628 ± 92 --
343scarymonst3r1350 63.8% 1609 ± 71 --
344pleerglob1350 66.6% 1631 ± 48 --
345Luminary Mohg1349 76.1% 1722 ± 72 --
346greynaem1349 73.4% 1698 ± 96 --
347inertialinitiative1348 72.6% 1688 ± 79 --
348Lux28211348 72.1% 1682 ± 71 --
349shreyashhy1348 70.6% 1669 ± 85 --
350gtfokansas1348 67.5% 1641 ± 85 --
351You Destiny1347 74.8% 1712 ± 91 --
352Sagazinha1347 74.5% 1706 ± 69 --
353glowbrogang1346 68.4% 1650 ± 85 --
354cocaine user1345 74.7% 1707 ± 61 --
355ChickenArrow P1345 70.0% 1663 ± 78 --
356LCT24K do1345 71.2% 1677 ± 95 --
357georgie691345 71.3% 1673 ± 51 --
358Grewt1345 69.3% 1658 ± 89 --
359APPLC Laxenne1344 69.2% 1658 ± 94 --
360viaan1344 71.8% 1680 ± 82 --
361APPLC Q1344 76.6% 1731 ± 91 --
362bgdz1344 76.4% 1725 ± 68 --
363LOONA LOONA1342 78.5% 1754 ± 98 --
364str8 ghouling1342 78.0% 1743 ± 76 --
365Beileys Back1342 71.5% 1680 ± 98 --
366DanPiet12101342 74.7% 1707 ± 64 --
367Shooot1342 76.6% 1725 ± 46 --
368Rarax1341 72.6% 1686 ± 64 --
369ScrubLord24071341 63.8% 1610 ± 89 --
370me bean 21340 70.3% 1667 ± 86 --
371Jallim Habey1340 70.7% 1673 ± 98 --
372LCT24K91340 65.0% 1621 ± 91 --
373Palafinity1339 73.5% 1698 ± 87 --
374abra xdd1339 76.3% 1723 ± 59 --
375LC Revival1339 71.6% 1679 ± 86 --
376LittleBic1338 71.7% 1676 ± 46 --
377Darkortex1338 72.1% 1685 ± 94 --
378Imperiosus1338 71.4% 1675 ± 62 --
379shuaibi23331338 71.3% 1677 ± 96 --
380DivineM4dness1337 66.5% 1634 ± 100 --
381Trueno Rabioso1336 70.2% 1664 ± 72 --
382TheDHope1336 70.5% 1668 ± 74 --
383Communist Rat1336 71.8% 1682 ± 93 --
384JackRG11336 75.1% 1713 ± 76 --
385Vi best waifu1335 75.0% 1711 ± 74 --
386LCT24K Wail1335 76.2% 1727 ± 98 --
387PhoneyPro1335 71.0% 1673 ± 78 --
388C MAMI WATA1335 75.0% 1709 ± 57 --
389LCT24K RL1335 69.9% 1664 ± 93 --
390Torpi11334 73.7% 1698 ± 77 --
391LCT24ZQ Surf1334 75.0% 1712 ± 82 --
392Kipkluif1334 79.3% 1757 ± 67 --
393gutalala sudalala1334 70.1% 1663 ± 69 --
394gutos4001334 64.1% 1612 ± 77 --
395laviejakun1334 68.1% 1645 ± 59 --
396AgentDouble1333 68.6% 1651 ± 85 --
397notthepenguin1333 75.8% 1720 ± 79 --
398lct24k TGA1333 65.5% 1625 ± 93 --
399Winterbub1333 67.9% 1646 ± 92 --
400kindle paperwhite1332 69.0% 1654 ± 78 --
401Uuugb1332 66.5% 1634 ± 99 --
402hyumiis1332 74.2% 1706 ± 93 --
403Pooooder341332 67.9% 1645 ± 77 --
404FeraligatrtheGOAT1332 67.0% 1637 ± 85 --
405ZeroTwo Little1331 67.5% 1642 ± 91 --
406Pks itchy eyes1331 68.2% 1649 ± 93 --
407glimmora gang1331 72.1% 1682 ± 66 --
408hangingknife1331 68.3% 1650 ± 92 --
409mipc1330 68.3% 1646 ± 58 --
410Uso zacianidai1329 68.3% 1647 ± 72 --
411lct24zq Ellie1329 73.6% 1698 ± 76 --
412Smergoil1329 70.5% 1668 ± 82 --
413Person11331328 60.3% 1580 ± 60 --
414churchpyukumuku1328 75.4% 1714 ± 63 --
415jae-hom kiddo1328 69.6% 1660 ± 83 --
416Critias1101328 72.7% 1687 ± 68 --
4173p4gjojh1328 76.2% 1725 ± 80 --
418Colorful toots1328 76.0% 1724 ± 87 --
419Robeadminchiam1328 66.4% 1632 ± 92 --
420CanUrepeat1327 56.2% 1549 ± 91 --
421glubbles1327 68.2% 1648 ± 86 --
422mayistheworstfr1327 68.8% 1655 ± 98 --
423justarandomguy7651327 72.1% 1683 ± 74 --
424MenphisDepayy1327 76.1% 1720 ± 49 --
425FootsAndFeet1327 67.9% 1644 ± 73 --
426Sub2Paladin1326 71.6% 1680 ± 91 --
427Greenwood41326 75.2% 1717 ± 95 --
428GasaiiYunoSan1326 71.1% 1673 ± 65 --
429Polisson_grison1326 71.8% 1681 ± 86 --
430MudbrayBrokenFull1326 76.9% 1729 ± 51 --
431bohea1326 72.0% 1685 ± 95 --
432Les Lancargonautes1325 74.9% 1713 ± 92 --
433LCT24ZQ Always1324 73.0% 1692 ± 85 --
434LCT24ZQ Shoot1324 71.3% 1677 ± 90 --
435LCSTORM ballatta1324 69.8% 1663 ± 95 --
436Skylux18161324 70.5% 1670 ± 92 --
437Eliosa1323 69.5% 1661 ± 91 --
438Yukipedia1323 73.0% 1691 ± 75 --
439Lokifan1322 75.0% 1711 ± 73 --
440LCT24K Croc1321 70.3% 1667 ± 85 --
441Beym640_1321 59.3% 1572 ± 75 --
442FishesLoveSosa11321 71.3% 1675 ± 71 --
443Gen 3 Feraligatr1320 77.1% 1734 ± 84 --
444Nouveau Cuisine1320 68.3% 1650 ± 97 --
445WholeIssueHere1320 76.1% 1725 ± 90 --
446Sludge Stan1320 75.9% 1722 ± 87 --
447malkobaran1320 64.6% 1617 ± 90 --
448urcarurfly1318 74.3% 1703 ± 63 --
449LCT24K Rea1318 62.9% 1602 ± 80 --
450StarlyLife1318 69.7% 1661 ± 86 --
451Elvio Lad01318 69.9% 1662 ± 73 --
452jegzzz1317 55.4% 1542 ± 74 --
453applc please1317 70.7% 1670 ± 76 --
454Gambler T1317 63.5% 1608 ± 98 --
455Shivam_Z1317 71.6% 1677 ± 64 --
456Creare_inovatio1317 73.8% 1699 ± 73 --
457cheesynoob12341316 70.5% 1667 ± 70 --
458henrypREAL1316 69.0% 1655 ± 82 --
459LCT24K Simbo1316 74.7% 1711 ± 96 --
460dongler dongler1316 67.3% 1638 ± 70 --
461ninja_caro81315 67.8% 1643 ± 79 --
462Zhenowox1315 64.5% 1615 ± 81 --
463sulfura1521315 72.4% 1685 ± 69 --
464bladmin1315 55.6% 1543 ± 37 --
465ProfessionalJohner1314 69.8% 1663 ± 97 --
466wesh papillon1312 75.8% 1718 ± 56 --
467TerraShade1312 69.9% 1662 ± 71 --
468SkidandPump1021312 66.5% 1631 ± 67 --
469SAILOR MOON OST1312 73.9% 1700 ± 77 --
470hax tuah1312 66.3% 1629 ± 55 --
471angry Facts1312 70.6% 1666 ± 42 --
472Glowin811311 66.7% 1634 ± 81 --
473Truth N Ideals1311 72.9% 1691 ± 80 --
474zyxn.n1311 63.3% 1604 ± 60 --
475Joshodude_13081311 66.3% 1630 ± 71 --
476Gb africano1311 74.1% 1704 ± 89 --
477svarin1310 67.5% 1640 ± 66 --
478HylianProdigy1310 73.9% 1700 ± 66 --
479solaray(red)1310 56.8% 1553 ± 89 --
480slowly driftin1309 71.4% 1672 ± 34 --
481RG-PKMN1309 67.0% 1637 ± 87 --
482The Empty Side1308 71.8% 1678 ± 55 --
483LCT24K Edgy1308 69.1% 1658 ± 98 --
484Hype Exca1308 67.7% 1644 ± 93 --
485il_pelat_1308 70.1% 1666 ± 94 --
486chesterpester1308 74.0% 1700 ± 58 --
487How Play Pkm1308 69.9% 1662 ± 81 --
488folkloore1307 71.2% 1674 ± 80 --
489Kanha Greninja1307 68.6% 1650 ± 71 --
490GreninjaStill1307 65.4% 1624 ± 95 --
4910xyt0c1njunk1e1307 69.1% 1655 ± 76 --
492Kuiper's Belt1306 70.1% 1664 ± 76 --
493I summon luck1305 65.2% 1622 ± 89 --
494FanciFy1304 68.1% 1648 ± 100 --
495isuckattrickroom1304 73.9% 1701 ± 82 --
496APPLC 3601304 65.1% 1620 ± 82 --
497Platum1303 74.8% 1710 ± 84 --
498Darker12334561303 75.7% 1718 ± 69 --
499teamo rain1303 67.3% 1640 ± 89 --
500MADVILLAIN1303 64.9% 1620 ± 93 --